Safe Crabs


Can anyone give me a list of crabs that are safe to put in a tank with fish and other inverts? It's a 29 gallon. They don't have to be compatible with corals, but I don't want to get a crab that is going to kill other inverts or attack any fish. Thanks :)


Active Member
Porcelain crabs are pretty safe towards everything and they are really fun to watch feed. though a porcelain anemone crab may push a clown away from a anemone.


Active Member
IMO there are really to many to list. I reccomend this to everyone since its is really up to the person on what they get. Search for them and see what you like and then check to see if its reef safe or not make a cleanup crew list bring it back here and post then we can help you out. If you post your email I can help you find a good place to look at them.


Active Member
Most crabs are actually quite docile. However, one I know that reef tank owners should avoid is the arrow crab.


OK well here are some of the things he is definitely wanting in the tank: Flame angel, and probably 1-2 other small fish, fire shrimp, a few other shrimp, some snails and hermits, probably a chocolate chip star, an urchin after I've researched them a bit more and make sure it'll work, and 1-2 crabs. So I guess I could ask now, would an urchin be safe in this set up? He saw the purple urchin on this site and really liked it.


Active Member
MudPlayer arrow crabs dont do anything. I had mine and he didnt bother anything at all "he was a big weenie I mean a BIG one". IMO there reef safe.


Active Member
They are very spider like "except when the flip over in midair or you see them swim".


Active Member
Most crabs have been known to harm fish :p its just a matter of time IMO (with a few exceptions)


Active Member
Most crabs will. "when they get big" But usually by that time the fish are to big to bother with. If you read sallylight foot and arrow crabs will only harm small fish.


Active Member
Or take a small chunk out of a large fish :p You can read all you want about how a fish/crab/etc normally acts.. but when you get it in your tank it will disobey everything in a book!


Active Member
I beg to differ speg. Some crabs, such as the emerald crab don't even have the correct anatomy to be carnivores.


Active Member
My procelains cant even hold on to a peice of meat but they try there hardest to eat it!


Active Member
Emeralds still may harm fish regardless. I had a emerald rip the crap outta one of my jawfish cause it was in its 'spot'.