Safe to buy live sand on craigslist?


hey guys since I am still new, is it safe to buy live sand on craigslist? Says its from a well established tank, and I am starting a new one. What should I look for?


Active Member
Well, how is it being transported? Unless it stays submerged, a lot of important bacteria and critters that make it "live" will die off and then you have expensive dead sand.........You may be better off buying a few choice pieces of live rock, dry sand, and letting the rock seed the sand. It will prolly be cheaper in the long run. What is the price quoted at?


problem is moving sand is not a good idea. It is a "filter" so if you move it around its like shaking the filter bag in you vacume cleaner up and dumping it out. A cup full of the top to seed is ok but a hole 100 lbs?
Now that being said if its for a New tank that has to be cycled still if you rince it out I dont see a problem with it.