Safe to Buy?


My LFS just got in a shipment of percs. Is it safe to buy one today or should I give it a couple days and see how they look in their tanks?


It would be safe to buy one if you have a QT tank setup. If not then you would be taking a risk adding it to an established tank. Maybe the LFS would hold it for you?


yep agree about the QT tank..
although, I have always stuck by the rule of thumb that these fish have already been through ALOT of stress to that point of ariving at you LFS..
I really dont think it would hurt to wait a few days, this way they can de-stress a bit before being moved again to another enviroment, and also you can observe them some.
most fish stores will hold fish for a couple days when the first receive their shippments..
i know it sucks.. cause you see a fish and you wnt it..
at least thats how I am.. but With everything in this hobby its better to be safe then sorry!


I'm gonna wait. I'm on vacation next week, so I'll check when I get back and see if they have any left. If not I'll wait till their next shipment.
Thanks for the feedback!


Active Member
Good idea on waiting until you get back from vacation. Anything can happen after a fish gets added whether it's the display or a QT (I highly recommend the QT), and it's a good idea to be around to take action if needed. Plus, percs are really common and can be found pretty easily.