safe to drink from r/o unit?


Active Member
It shouldn't taste like metal. It is totally safe to drink from them. The majority of bottled water companies use this method of filtration. It tastes different because water companies add minerals to the water for taste. Pure water has a very clean taste.


Culligan water is Reverse Osmosis if your R/O water tastes like metal, maybe there is something wrong with your filtration system that could harm your animals. It should taste like crisp clean bottled water. Very strange!


Active Member
Keep in mind you need to flush your RO membrane with about 10 gallons before use. It is covered in oil to preserve it.


Active Member
RO water is fine to drink, although think twice before drinking DI water. Although I used to drink DI water a lot but many people have digestive problems from DI because it is too pure and their bodies aren't used to it. I've also heard that drinking DI can be bad because it can actually dehydrate you due to the fact that it lacks any minerals and it goes right through you. Soo, RO fine to drink, DI not so good.


Is there a way to set up the R.O. filters with a drinking water tap before it gets to the D.I. part? So you CAN drink it? How much better is the D.I. water for the fish anyway?


Active Member
tatses normal, i had food in my mouth b4.... well mine is an ro unit, whats the deal w/ DI?


Active Member
RO removes impurities from the water by pushing water through membranes. DI uses a media that removes ionic impurities from the water. I don't know if their is a way to get water before the DI unit, I guess it depends on what kind of setup you have. In my opinion a DI unit for a fish tank is overkill but it doesn't hurt because most salt mixes have all the necessary trace elements your fish need. But when it comes to drinking DI the water lacks the necessary trace elements us humans require.


Active Member
Like stated before, it is possible to put a "T" after the RO membrane and before the DI unit. Just branch off a tube and put a shut-off valve on it so you can push the water through the DI unit when you want to fill your tank.


Active Member
YA DON'T Drink DI water...Because of it's ionic propteries, it actually absorbs minerals out of your body that you need.
RO picks up all UNDISSOLVED stuff in water....DI picks up even DISSOLVED ionic minerals (mostly metels)


Active Member
dam, so i'm good though? since mine is an R/O unit? I don't think it does the DI part?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pohtr
so the dissolved ionic minerals are good for us and bad for the fish. Right?

Well maybe not good for us...but not bad for us either..
The short, not so scentific explantion:
Once it passes through DI (DE INONIZATION) the electrons insted of being positivly charged, they are negitivly charged therefore wanting to attract minerals out of our bodies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pohtr
so the dissolved ionic minerals are good for us and bad for the fish. Right?
Well, remember that you are adding back salt mix. So all you are trying to do is avoid adding impurities that might cause problems. Pure RO/DI or distilled water, for example used in a freshwater tank, would not be so good for the fish for the same basic reason it is not so good for people.