Safest way to add Powder Blue to my DT without QT?


WoW !!!
Really sorry to hear that.
I personally would do the hypo treatment.
I am in the process of treating my Hippo Tang and purple pseudochromis,and so far both did very well during hypo,and never missed a meal

I am currently slowly raising my salinity,but so far so good.
Good luck


I was hoping someone could help me identify what the issue is with my new PBT. I'm almost positive he has Ich...I've seen the white specks (though there aren't as many this morning as there were yesterday
). But also, his skin looks very lumpy on his body. I attached the best pics I have of this (sorry the pics are blurry, but the bumps came out better w/o the flash). It is nothing on top of the skin, it looks swellings or like how hives look on a human...sort of. Could it be due to the Ich/stress? Will hypo help this?
I will do hypo. I guess this was the whole point for setting up the QT, especially since I decided to get the most Ich-prone fish ever!

That's good to know this will be my first time doing this and I hope I do it right and it works.
Yeah, least he's eating well so far. He even already figured out the seaweed on the clip his first time! He loves that stuff.
Right now I am heating my RODI water so I can use it to start dropping the salinity in the QT. Since it is done over 48hrs, that would be dropping it 1.007 per day for a total drop of 1.014 (right now my QT is at 1.023)? Good thing I just bought (and received) a refractometer. Right now I'm going to study how to calibrate/use it.
I see it mentioned to be careful maintaining does that mean I should go buy a marine buffer product?



I'm pretty sure the lumps are a bacterial infection. But the question remains, will doing hypo help with that? Does hypo help with everything? If not, what doesn't it help?
I have never done this before and I'm extremely nervous about it. Any help is greatly appreciated. If you feel like reading on, you'll see why I'm extra nervous.
I just went to my lfs. It was the one I never go to anymore because I don't like the people that own it and they are always there. They give me bad vibes like they think everyone else in the hobby is an idiot. I only went to this lfs because my usual one is closed on Wednesdays. I felt I really needed to get pH buffer because I'm doing hypo on my QT.
Well...I started to ask questions to the one lady I "like". Unfortunately, she really didn't have answers for my questions on hypo...she had never heard of it. So, she referred me to the guy owner (I'm like, "oh great"). BTW, she kept calling it hypersalinity.

I start to talk to him about hypo and that I learned about it online (message boards) and I'd rather do that to treat Ich than use copper. Also asked about what the bumps could be.
Well he first said it's not Ich, but Cryptocaryon irritans...there is no such thing as saltwater Ich and people just like to call it that. (First of all, just because I used the common name and he used the scientific name, doesn't mean were not referring to the same darn thing!
Everyone, even books, call it Ich!) He also said you can't see the parasites on the fish. I'm not a violent person but I felt like hitting his head against a tank, but that would scare the fish in the tank.
Regarding hypo, he just said, "well you can do whatever treatment you want" (uhhhh...really? I was like, "I KNOW I can do whatever treatment I want on my own tank...I'm just trying to do the best one"). Ugh!
Then he went on to say that one shouldn't believe what people say on message boards because some have barely any experience and or no tanks and others just repeat what they hear or read w/o trying for themselves. How discouraging this guy was! It made me regret I asked him anything, but I like to get as much info or input as I can, especially if it is something new (like hypo and a QT). I just told him that maybe there are those kinds of people on here, but there are also ones that have done these things they suggest/recommend and what better advice is there than that?
So, I'm still doing the hypo and I have the buffer.


I'm no expert but the Ich on my fish did not look like that.
Mine almost looked like salt or sand sticking to it's body.
Maybe it's just the picture though.
Hopefully someone more knowledgable will chime in.
I hope it all works out for you.


Hypo will work best. - Those bumps are normal. - Most tangs of that nature (Even yellow tangs) - will do that when they are stressed out. - Just give him a few days. - Read up on Hypo and you'll be fine.


Thank you for the encouragement, reefstar.

Boatnut, I had noticed white specks on the PBT as well as the swellings. So, I thought he had 2 things going on. I hope reefstar is right and its only due to stress. Poor fishy...I wonder who is more stressed...him or me?!


try mixing garlic in his food, I use Kent Garlic Xtreme and it work for my Blue Hippo Tang. Good luck, by the way I want one of those PBT 2, but I think I will wait awhile before I get one.


Cryptocaryon irritans IS saltwater ich. The bumps under his skin may be from stress. Tangs show stress in funny ways. Unless it is red I do not think that it is bacterial. How are you doing with the hypo? Have you checked the PH and the alk of your RO water? You may not need a buffer. If the ph and alk is low in the RO then try to mix the buffer in the water before it goes into the tank.


Yeah...that guy was a fool. It just reminded me why I don't like to go there. If I ever have to again, I will just talk to them as little as possible!
Good to know about the bumps not likely being bacterial.
I did my first water change w/fresh RODI water at around 7. I waited until then because I wanted to get the buffer and wait until a time where I could do the next change in 12 hours (so next one I can do when I get up in the morning). I didn't check the pH and alk of the RODI water...didn't think/know I needed to.
But I figured adding the buffer wouldn't hurt (I mixed it in the fresh before adding it). But then it could raise alkalinity, which isn't good, huh? I'll check it before changing the water next time.
I read a post by renogaw stating to replace 1/5 of the total volume of the saltwater with fresh every 12 hours and after 48 hours, it should be close to 1.009. I actually started at about 1.025, maybe even 1.026 (a bit high maybe, which made me SO happy I now have a refractometer!) And it is now at 1.021. It was a bit hard to gauge 3.2 gal in a 5 gal bucket, so maybe I was a bit short. But it's a good start, at least close to the goal of decreasing it .007 every 24 hours.
The PBT looks ok so far. Happily ate his food tonight (and since I've had him). I hate to get my hopes up that all will be ok.
I'll keep you updated!


I actualy prefer smaller, more frequent additons of the fresh water. It is less of a shock to the fish. Test the RO water. It sounds as though you are doing well so far!


Active Member
New180 - your PBT looks great! IMO, that is not Ich. I think that he is very stressed and there may be something wrong with the water.
Add the AmQuel and let him relax. Check his breathing and make sure that he is not lethargic. If he is eating and not scratching, sit back and relax.
Someone once told me a great are probably more stressed out then the fish is. Take your time and dont over react to anything.
When I add any fish to my QT, I feed it many types of food (frozen, flake, seaweed) and add garlic. I also add Furen 2 and place copper as a preventative maintenance.
Since doing this, I have never lost a fish due to adding a fish into a tank nor have I introduced ich with a new fish.


Thanks ccapmbell! I think he looks great, too! Well, I saw white spots as well as the lumpy skin. The pictures were only to show the lumpy skin because I wanted help identifying it. However I knew what the white spots were. I'm sure (from what I've read all over the posts) that doing hypo is a good idea anyway. It better be...I'm halfway through getting it down to 1.009!
He seems very alert, bright (colored), and is eating well. Once a day, I feed Emerald Entree by San Francisco Bay Co. which has all kinds of good stuff in it, mixed with pellets. I wanted to feed him the exact same thing I feed the DT and he loves it! I'm going to do the seaweed every other day (which he loves as well). He's a good fishy

Sepulatian, I tested the RODI and QT water:
pH was 7.8 (It just stayed clear, so this was the lowest reading on the card)
Alk was negligible dKH or 0.5 meq/L (It turned yellow on the first drop)
SG- 1.021 last night/this morning, slowly getting it down to 1.016 over a few hours (at 1.018 now), so then I only have 0.007 to go!
pH was 8.3
Alk was 12.6 dKH or 4.5 meq/L (too high?) I didn't use the "good" test kit...I suppose I could...I'm sure the one I used is close (Seachem brand).
BTW I did just test my DT yesterday and it wasn't this high, it was 10.2 dKH or 3.66 meq/L (according to the "good" test kit: Salifert brand)...I've been battling the task of balancing the alkalinity and calcium for a while...I'm very close now!
Should I continue to add the buffer to the RODI water before adding it to the QT? The water used to measure how much buffer to put is the QT volume, not the volume of RODI, right? (I thought of this and got a bit confused).
As always, thanks for all advice!


Oh I forgot to ask:
I have some fresh garlic from the grocery store. Do I just stick a clove in my garlic press and what I get out of it mix in with the food? One clove?...a few?
How often should I do this?
Also, here are some recent pictures. The darker spots you see in the pics don't look like that to the

eye, they only show up in the pictures. It's wierd. They show up where the skin is lumpy...hopefully this is still just either due to stress or Ich.

QT is at 1.016 SG now.



Thanks Stan!
I got a bit delayed on the hypo, but I will have it down to 1.009 today. Slowly of course. I am currently at about 1.014 and adding pitchers of RODI water gradually.
So far so good!
Can anyone advise me on my garlic question in a previous post? Thanks.
Another question: My pH this morning in the QT was about 8.2. I'm adding the buffer to the RODI water each time, but doesn't this raise alkalinity? Will high alkalinity be harmful? If so, how high? Also, do I keep adding the buffer after I get the SG down to 1.009? Or only if the pH gets too low? What is too low?
Please help!


I would add only a little bit of buffer to the RO. The RO is at 7.8 if left alone. You do not want your ph too high being that you are likely to get an ammonia spike. A higher ph will make the ammonia more toxic to the fish. Your water has a high DKH, that means that it will keep the ph up which is good. Check out the garlic link. Yes, you press it and add the juices along with some small pieces to the food while it is defrosting. Your fish looks great!!!!


Thank you!!!

I read the garlic link (thanks LedZep fan! BTW, I am also a fan
) and I still wasn't sure if I added just the juice, or pieces of garlic and juice. Thanks for clarifying sepulatian. You have been so much help through all of this! Everyone else, too.
I have the Seachem reef buffer, at least, which is supposed to be specifically designed to prevent the pH from going over 8.3. I'm kind of surprised how high my alkalinity is in both my QT and DT. I guess I shouldn't complain, as long as it is not harming anything.
The PBT is looking really good, today especially (I feel like saying anything will jinx it!). But his skin on his body looks a lot smoother. He is still very active and loves to eat.
Today his blue body got a bit paler, but I think it was due to the final decrease in salinity.
I am finally at 1.009 (maybe 1.0095...because the line in the refractometer is between 1.010 and close!). In the morning I will probably exchange 1 pitcher of water for fresh RODI and that should do it. I went a little over 48 hours, but I hope it's ok.
Now my next challenge is making and maintaining mixed 1.009 water for water changes!
....aaannnnd having fresh RODI water for top off! (My DT has auto top off). My water bill this month is gonna be CRAZY! And I have containers of water everywhere...!


Originally Posted by New180g
Thank you!!!

I read the garlic link (thanks LedZep fan! BTW, I am also a fan
) and I still wasn't sure if I added just the juice, or pieces of garlic and juice. Thanks for clarifying sepulatian. You have been so much help through all of this! Everyone else, too.
I have the Seachem reef buffer, at least, which is supposed to be specifically designed to prevent the pH from going over 8.3. I'm kind of surprised how high my alkalinity is in both my QT and DT. I guess I shouldn't complain, as long as it is not harming anything.
The PBT is looking really good, today especially (I feel like saying anything will jinx it!). But his skin on his body looks a lot smoother. He is still very active and loves to eat.
Today his blue body got a bit paler, but I think it was due to the final decrease in salinity.
I am finally at 1.009 (maybe 1.0095...because the line in the refractometer is between 1.010 and close!). In the morning I will probably exchange 1 pitcher of water for fresh RODI and that should do it. I went a little over 48 hours, but I hope it's ok.
Now my next challenge is making and maintaining mixed 1.009 water for water changes!
....aaannnnd having fresh RODI water for top off! (My DT has auto top off). My water bill this month is gonna be CRAZY! And I have containers of water everywhere...!

Are you away from home for long hours? A top off is not needed, but will help. Hyposalinity does need to be done correctly, but it is not an intense process as some people like to claim. I did my first hypo with a hydrometer. I had to calculate the median reading and do some guestimation. Draw a line on your QT. Add some top off before work if it is below or hovering by the line, check it again when you come home. If it drops to 1.008, it is not a big deal, just don't let it go over 1.009