Safety Patrol


Active Member
My 5th grader informed me that the safety patrol trip to Wash. DC is going to cost.... $750.00
She is all upset,because she thinks she wont be able to go because its to expensive. She might be right
( just think of all the reef tank stuff I could get for that much $$$$) We live in South Florida, I was wondering what other 5th grade parents paid for the trip. Thanks


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Originally Posted by nemo1234
that is ridiculous for a 5th gader. what ever happen to the edcuational camps they do and all???
I agree,probably the same reason the schools ask you to provide massive amounts of school supplies ( paper,glue,scissors,crayons,markers etc,etc.. )and NOT put your childs name on them.... So they can stockpile them for the "less fortunate" students. The schools are under funded and teachers under paid...but thats a whole other rant.


I think thats ridiculous!!! I would say its a good experience but all the way to DC for a saftey patrol
I dont get it. I honestly dont think I would let a child of my that was in the 5th grade go to DC with a school project till they were alot older myself.
What is going on with schools anymore we had a hard time trying to get permission to go to Memphis for the cotton bowl to play at the half time show in band. we were invited to play at the rose bowl the answer to that was a QUICK NO LOL


Get ready, you have four years until the high school trips start. Each year my daugher would stress over the class trip. The positive thing is that she has been to Ireland, France, Scotland, and England which she would not have done otherwise, the downside, my lack of a savings account.
This year the school supply lists were off the hook! We even had to provide reams of copy paper so that our kids can have in class assignments and my personal favorite, tennis balls so that the janitor could cut them in half and put them on the chair legs so the floors don't get scuffed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
she has been to Ireland, France, Scotland, and England personal favorite, tennis balls so that the janitor could cut them in half and put them on the chair legs so the floors don't get scuffed.
Shoot...I have never left the country... My kids have been to Disney World 15 times....I was never even on an Airplane till I was 30...Yeah I know...I also had to walk uphill to school both the snow..LOL Kids these days got it easy.... What are they going to tell THEIR kids???? OH...I only had 10 High-Definition channels when I was growing up./ and my I-pod only held 5000 songs...


Tell me about it. My kids got plasma's for Christmas, my oldest son's was having issues and he acted abused to have to watch a "ghetto" tv for a few days until his got fixed. I feel like getting them a couple of old school 13 inch black and whites. That'll teach them!
On that trip, they should allow payment in installments throughout the year which does make it alot easier.


My first tv when i was about 15 yrs old was black and white portable and i think the screen was like 4 inches. You had to hold the antenna just right to get the channel in which was only 4 of them. Kids now of days have no clue how good they have it


Active Member
What, they don't make kids peddle candy bars anymore to pay for the trips. Actually the parents end up hawking them at work and to family and friends - LOL


Active Member
LOL...we have had the past 2-3weeks no straight of candy in our office for fundraisers....thats insane that you have to provide printer paper and tennis balls...just read in our paper that..i think it was around 1700 kids get suspended each fiance had taken over for maternity leave and she suspended kids for insane things we would never have even thought of doing(granted i'm not that old either, but still)...i think she told me she suspended at least 25% of her class through the last semester she taught.....they get laptops to use from the library and of course we all know what that brings.
i remember we had those boxes of m&m's and had to go down the streets to sell...but then again...maybe it was a bit safer back then to go up to strangers houses


When I was in the safety patrol back in 5th grade we sold pizzas, t-shirts, and candy for our fund raisers. My parents told me if I didn't get enough money I wasn't able to go. I got enough and I was a neat trip, but for $750 out of the pocket!...OUCH!


Active Member
what is safety patrol? and why do kids have to travel halfway up the country to do it? and what exactly is so safe about DC? i dont get it. dude. id feel safer in miami at midnight.