SailFin Has Ich


I believe that my sailfin has Ich. I bought at cleaner shrimp at the LFS, and they told me it would eat the ich off. Also they gave me some kind of garlic solution to help the ich. Should I do a FW dip? It will be hard to catch the sailfin


Welcome to the boards! I moved your thread here so that you will get more help. Cleaner shrimp only remove some of the parasites that are attached to the fish. Garlic solution is only an appetite stimulant, it will do nothing against ich. Please tell us what sized display that you have and what all is in it.


Hi. Yes, I have an 80 gallon that has been set up for over 9 months now. I have a couple clowns, 3 chromis, sixline, diamond goby, cleaner shrimp, green star polyp, xenia, and ricordea. I don't have a qt. I know I need to get one. Should I do a fw dip to save him? Or can he pull through without a fw dip?


Active Member
you have yourself a big problem
once you see the ichon a fish its all over the tank,in thewater and on the rocks ,depending what stage the ich is at.
the other fish will probably start to show the ich in 4-5 days once the ich breeds in the sand and on the rock they will become water bourne and look for a fish to attach to.
seeing you have inverts and corals you will need to set up a qt fast.
seperate the fish and the inverts,corals,rock.
fw dip really is only usefull as a last resort to relieve the fish of ich .but after the stress of the dip and then putting him back in the dt with the ich the weeker fish will have the ich back faster.
the trick to survivle is keeping the fish eating.
you need at least a 30 gallon qt for those fish.
i am just finishing up from an ich outbreak i got from some corals i added.
i had to take out 300 lbs of rock ,corals and inverts.luckily i have a 90 gallon tank with mh light to stuff it all into.
really the only way to save them is to do the hypo and that is a 5 week process.
the reason you have ich in the first place is because you added a fish (sailfin)with it from the lfs.really need to have a qt running 24/7
good luck


Active Member
the dip will just stress him out more and once placed back in the tank will just become re infested.. the only thing you can do to possibly save your fish in the main tank is boost feeding yes add the garlic extreme and selcon this is added vit to help the fishes natural immune system .. if you can find thera plus A pellets by spectrum and get him to eat them a few times a day it may help.. it wont kill the parasite but it may help boost the fishes natural defenses .. this is how i have always done it .