I have a 110g tank I just bought 2 Heniochus Butterflys and my Sailfin Tang started attacking them. I removed the Tang to my quarantine tank. How long should I keep him there before putting him back?
Long enough to let the b-flys to get established. Some people would recommened that you re- arrange the rock work to mess up the territory of the sailfin tang.
First of all I'm pretty sure the sailfin tang is to big for a 110g. Sailfins are some of the more peaceful tang, now others may have other stories, but it seems kinda crowded for a sailfin.
There is no doubt in my mind that sailfins can hold their own. So too, in time will the heniochus. So depending on what other fish you have in there, I would agree it could be a bit strained.
how long has the tang been in the tank?some aggression is normal when a new fish is added to the tank.as long as it doesnot get too bad.i had a coral beauty tail slapping a new koran that was 3x its size. after a few days the aggression stopped.