SAILFIN tang Missing!


Active Member
I brought the little guy home last night aroung 5 pm. I have seen hide nor scale of him since 6 pm......he's just over a inch in length. What could of happened. I checked in and around the tank, and behind to check if the little guy jumped, didn't find anything. I don't have a sump, so he didn't get slucked in there. I did turn all pumps off to see if anything floated to the top.
90 gallon
2 clowns
1 madrine
1 brittle star
1 sand star
1 peppermint shrimp
2 urchins
Where could the little guy be? sigh........


I stole it :D
Do you have an Anemone? A long time ago when I had a tank my yellow tang went missing until I found it inside the Anemone.
do you have a camcorder or something that records.. point it at the tank and leave it for an hour.. than go back and fast foward the video to see if he on it anywhere.
or maybe he jumped out.. look on the floor

reef bug

I have two brittles and 4 peppermints...some say the brittles will attack, but I dont know anyone personally who has ever had that happen. I really doubt your stars would have attacked, but they surely wont be shy about devouring the corpse if the tang died on his own. Hopefully he's just a little fraidy-cat and hiding. Feeding time should bring him out. Put in something extra yummy to temp him.
Keep a close eye on your urchins with your corals though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I brought the little guy home last night aroung 5 pm. I have seen hide nor scale of him since 6 pm......he's just over a inch in length. What could of happened. I checked in and around the tank, and behind to check if the little guy jumped, didn't find anything. I don't have a sump, so he didn't get slucked in there. I did turn all pumps off to see if anything floated to the top.
90 gallon
2 clowns
1 madrine
1 brittle star
1 sand star
1 peppermint shrimp
2 urchins
Where could the little guy be? sigh........

Hold on folks, before jumping to some sort of predation scenario.
Brand new TINY TINY tang....The survival rates of these fish is dismal, IMO, and it does not surprise me at all if it died. In which case, thank goodness for a good clean up crew, which definitely would have helped you out.

I don't recommend purchase of these very small tangs. I also wouldn't recommend, if this is a factor, putting them in a system less than 6 months old. I also agree, it may well show up. This is a highly highly stressful situation for such a small fish.
How long was it at the LFS? Did you see it eat?


Active Member
I did not inquire how long it had been there, but I am friends with many of the staff and now the owner. Mike does NOT put fish up for sale until they have been quaritined and are feeding well. He will keep a fish in back until he is satisfied that it is healthy and ready for sale. Which is one of the main reasons it one of the only salt water stores here in the twin cities I still work with. Not that that could be a possiblity,Mikes not the 24/7,and I agree with you about the size, us females are so taken by cute, tiny, itsy, bitsty little cutms.....ahhhhhhhhhh and the poor little fish pays the price.
I need to clean some of my rocks today, so in doing so I hope to find the little guy. I don't think it was my brittle star, it's too tiny, but still he who eats lives to see another day. I don't have any anemones currently, with the unfortunate exection of the aptsia :mad: , but I just picked so joe's juice. Another other ideas all? :notsure:


Active Member
The little sailfin tang is alive and well :happyfish .
This afternoon I couldn't stand it any more. I started digging out rocks....pruning them as I went. My poor clown fish will be mad at me for days...I had to move their beloved gonipora....Chloe was furiuos and nipped me several times. After that I removed the next really big rock and taaaaaaaddddddddaaaaaaaaah! There he was peeking at at me from behind one of the lower rocks.



Active Member
No dought! The little twerp! My clowns will be mad at me for days. I have got to get a camcordor. Chloe was having a meltdown! I had to move the daisy gonapora that they host to remove more rock to search for the little guy. Chloe kept swimming frantically around my hands as I moved the gonapora. Nemo stood on the side lines watching anxiously. Chloe nipped me a couple of times....asif to say LET GO OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! The next scence was heart breaking......after I repositioned the daisy, I looked over to see if the home owners had and Nemo were huddle close hover over the spot where there house had been. They were flicking there fins anxiously, and they keptvbobbing there heads at each other. Chloe keep plucking at the bare rock in hopes to find the house. Finally I stuck my hand back in(Chloe is used to being hand fed so she follow my hand readily) and tried to get chloe's attention. She mad a mad dash for my hand, I'm sure she intended to give me what for, but I had been hoping for this, and I moved my hand right over the daisy. Chloe stopped emediatley, and did what I would call the clown fish dance of joy!!!!!! The couple spent the next hour rubbing and reuniting with their house. :happyfish It was so cute.