Sailfin Tang not eating veggies?

My sailfin tangs is at the bottom of the sand bed and not swimming around like he should be, he hasn't been eating the seaweed salad for about a 4 days (i just got him). Any other types of frood or expirence on enticing them to eat? I'm willing to purchase any type of food. I just don't want to see him die fo starvation


Try soaking his food in garlic, its a natural immune booster and entices almost all fish to eat.


Staff member
Provide some info about the tank the tang is in, and give us your water readings.
hes a small tang, hes only bout 1-1/2 inches, hes in my nano cube 28 gallons, (i know he'll need a bigger tank and i have one once he get bigger il trnasfer hime there) my water levels are:
7.9 pH
tem: 80 degrees F
and that all i can read 4 now atleast the test kits at home


Active Member
Well i would say its stressed out from the small tank. Even if its only 1 1/2 inches these fish need ALOT of swimming space. Try taking regulard flake food and just take 1 flake and crimble it up....other than that i dont know what to tell you other than don't purchase a fish that is over sizedfor the tank you have !


Staff member
I would try to move him to the larger tank. Can you post a digital picture of this fish?