Sailfin Tang or foxface


thanks for the advice
but i didn't ask about things i already do i ask what fish eats more of it and what one would be the best at it


I have a foxface and a chevron tang (which looks similar to a sailfin). Bolth in my opinion will eat tons of algea, they have in my tank. I think its more of a preferance of which one you like better. I have heard that a foxface is hardier than the sailfin though.


Active Member
thats want the original problem of getting the hair algea problem solved or you want to know what fish can.." eat it so I dont have to see it?"
reminds me of a joke i heard this week ...
a woman drives up to a stop sign ....does a rolling "stop".....gets pulled over by a cop...cop says, you know you didnt stop at the sign back there....lady says yes but i slowed down....cop asked if i started hitting you in the head with my flashlight ....would you want me to slow down ..or stop.?


I have a foxface and had a hair algae problem for short while. He would munch on the new sprouts a little, but did not control it by any means. I love the fish, but I wouldn't reccommend it for hair algae control. Get some turbo snails, emerald crabs, and some blue leg hermits. They worked wonders in my other tank. I also used a new toothbrush to scrub it off before I did a water change, then sucked it up with the vacuum during the water change. Worked great. Good luck!


Coach, you don't make any sense and your joke has no relevance. Whitebird didn't say he had a problem, he posed a question.
Whitebird, my foxface grazes all day. None of my tangs pick at algae half as much as he does. Foxface is definitely more hardy than the sailfin. Though neither of them are fragile.


Originally Posted by boalgf
Coach, you don't make any sense and your joke has no relevance. Whitebird didn't say he had a problem, he posed a question.
the way the question was asked implies that there is a problem. adding more fish will never fix a nutrient problem. better water quality will fix this problem.
the joke is a metaphor. it explains that there is a problem that needs fixed (it doesn't need a band-aid). adding a fish would be irrelevant.


Originally Posted by NEreef
the way the question was asked implies that there is a problem. adding more fish will never fix a nutrient problem. better water quality will fix this problem.
the joke is a metaphor. it explains that there is a problem that needs fixed (it doesn't need a band-aid). adding a fish would be irrelevant.
I understand why you and coach both ASSUMED there was a hair algae problem. People should refrain from giving their 2 cents on unasked questions though. If I really wanted I could assume Whitebird doesn't have a big enough tank for the tang or foxface and say, "You need a 70 gallon or larger tank for those fish." Then follow it up with an asinine joke about an elephant and a handbag.
If Whitebird had needed info on how to stop hair algae I'm sure he'd have posted a thread on that. People should not assume the poster knows less than them on a subject that was unasked. Or if they give advice, don't put something like "a fish isn't going to solve the problem" or "adding a fish would be irrelevant". It really comes off as pretentious.
Like I said, his "metaphor" did not hit the mark. You seem to be suffering from the same dilusion. Thinking you know the solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
Whitebird, sorry your thread got so off track. Here are a few links to other posts about roughly the same topic.


Why would you want a fish to eat hair algae that wasn't there?
Boalgf, coach was just trying to help. there's no need to get aggressive. we're all on the same team here.


first thank you TNt and boalgf ,fccman for the input on the fish we went and got the sailfin tang today its a real baby one about 1 1/2" to 2" long the foxfaces were 3" to 4" and larger than i wanted to start out with so we got our lfs watching out for a smaller one for us and maybe add later if we still have room by then. it is now in our 52gal tank and wil be moved to the 75gal in a few weeks or months
now coachKLM and NEreef i do have some hair algae (i call it moss) on some live rock it didn't start in out tank it was a small peice that was on some lr that we put in the tank months ago at the time being new i thought it was cool looking and letf it on it and at that time we had only a floresant single tube lite and it blowed out so being 70 miles from a fish store and not wanting to make a trip just for a lite bulb i had sone extra shop lites and put one in it as i had did befor on freash water tanks. well about a week of it in there the algae realy started to grow ,live and learn, but now has spread some but were getting rid of it slowly
and as for a fish that will help eat it ? well why not we put in crabs snails , shrimp to help keep our tanks clean why not fish right


more fish will produce more waste. i would get the hair under control before adding more bioload.


New Member
Here's what we have in our 2 year old 55 gallon SW tank at the moment... I'd like to add something with some pizzazz, (hence why I thought the juvenile P. orientalis looked cool at the LFS!). We have a tomato clown, blue devil damsel, yellow tailed damsel, cleaner wrasse, brittle star, hermits, astrale snails, and a lawnmower blenny.
What would you suggest for a good addition? :thinking:


i realy don't think 2 fish in the tank will over load it
but my question to start with wasn't about my algae it was about a what fish its more


evidently, occording to: your water changes, filtration, feeding habits, live rock, etc. your tank is already overloaded. your phosphate and nitrate levels are too high. that is why the algae grows. more fish will only make things worse. tangs are messy fish (they excrete a lot of waste). this will not help your hair algae problem. the people on this board are only trying to help you. don't stick your tongue out at me.


if you have hair algae everywhere, it may be using up the nitrates before they show up on a test. have you noticed that nobody else wants to help you. people are trying to give you advice, and all you can do is make smarta$$ comments and not take what has been given to you.


Active Member
good news.....Diet: The sailfin tang is an basically an omnivore but will eat more vegetable matter. Feed dried and frozen marine algae along with sushi seaweed. You can even supplement its commercial diet with land vegetables such as zucchini and lettuce.
bad news....
Maximum Size
: The sailfin tang should grow to a maximum size of 15.7 inches
Minimum Tank Size
: The minimum tank size should be 135 gallons – yes this big remember this fish grows large
just a reminder..... ohh when it get real big i'm sure it will eat most if not every little bit of hair algea in the 75g.


NEreef no its not every where like i said i have some
and all i did was ask a simple question and it got all blowed out of the water
coachKLM thanks for that extra info
yes i know how big they can get and when it out grows my tanks it will have a home to go to already set that up as we have done with other fw fish we had had over the years
but one thing its not getting my zucchini


Whitebird, some people on here get a little preachy and would rather prove points that no one asked about than help.
Looks like your water levels are fine. Everyone gets a little algae sometimes. Good luck with that sailfin, it'll take a very long time to outgrow a 75 if it's only an inch or 2 now.