Sailfin Tang or yellow tang


which one do you guys think i should get for my 30 galleon. I know i shouldn't put a yellow in that small of a tank but what if i got a litttle one(2-4 inch.)? and only kept it until it got to big for my tank. Or go with a sailfin tang that only grows to be 2-3 inch.?


Active Member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
which one do you guys think i should get for my 30 galleon. I know i shouldn't put a yellow in that small of a tank but what if i got a litttle one(2-4 inch.)? and only kept it until it got to big for my tank. Or go with a sailfin tang that only grows to be 2-3 inch.?

Neither!!!!!!!!!!!!!:nope: The sailfins get like 10'' or so and the yellows get like 6-8''. That really annoys me when people say they will get a small one and bring it back to the store when it gets bigger. IMO I get attached to the smallest animals and could not bring a fish back to the lfs its mean to do that to a fish. Please do not get one because even a small tang is to big for your tank. If you do then get prepared to get flamed to a crisp.
Edit: Out of general respect lets avoid personal attacks and out right flames. We simply do not condone or tolerate such responses. if you must respond do so in a civil and polite manner.


get a Lemon Peel Angel (6inch max size) as an alternative to the yellow tang.
get a Coral Beauty Angel (4inch max size) as an alternative to the Sailfin.
other options:
Flame Angel
Scissortail Goby
Tomato clown

nm reef

Active Member
I believe what you are seeing is the size(estimated) of the fish you will get. Sailfins commonly grow to 8"-10" easily and should be kept in displays that allow freedom of movement. Preferably a 6' long tank at the least. A yellow may work for a short period of time in your display but I'd suggest avioding any tang in anything less than a 55 gal display. There are simply too many stress factors in smaller systems and tangs as a rule are highly susceptable to stress related issues.


ya the fish here you see is the size that will be shipped, not the full grown adult size...
and the fish I mentioned are actually very nice looking.. check em out.. :happyfish


I believe he was just asking a ? not asking to get blasted. Its a wonder why some never chose to post.:thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmmm...other than the first reponse I don't believe there was any "blasting"...and that member will be contacted directly. Sorry you feel that way...but from what I've seen the questions have been properly and adaquately addressed.
In regard to the butterflys...again I'd have concerns about them in such a small display. they can be problematic in regard to tendacys to nip corals...and they can sometimes be difficult feeders. I'd urge caution and additional research on specific species prior to attempting any of the assorted butterflys.


It was that in which I was refering. I apolagize for not making it more clear. Otherwise the posts were handled admirably.:joy:


Active Member

Originally posted by Magooo2
I believe he was just asking a ? not asking to get blasted. Its a wonder why some never chose to post.:thinking:

I might of been a little hard on him but use your brain!! Its like somone having a child and then adopting it in a few years because they can't aford to take care of it as to buying a fish and bringing it back in a few months because your tanks to small. Or buying a labrodor puppy and keeping it for a few months until its no longer a puppy and taking i back to trade it for another. Anybody who has participated on this board for a week or so would know that tangs need a large tank because the topic comes up like every couple of days.:D


Hidden... Fish Bible... Buy one, live by it. Everything you ever wanted to know about tangs...and angels...and clowns...
By Scott W. Michael


well everyone i went with the................................................................................................................................................................................................Lemonpeel angel lol, i listened to everyone so no need to be worried about me lol.:D
heres the first pic of the angel!


How is this happening?!?!? How is the screen stretching way out like that?? Hidden, even when you e-mail me, it stretches real wide like that!! How, why??
Did I mention that I love the new fish?? LOL


Tizzo and Viper, thanks for sayin that about my fish and i dunno why the screen gets long lol, i dunno how to fix it with my email either Tizzo:confused:


Nevermind, I just saw your "Best coral" thread. Lookit the fishies big eye. Cuter than a puppy.:D