Sailfin Tang


New Member
Hey all, my sailfin had developed a percular little habit of late...he goes to the top or I should say the back corner of the tank and takes gulps of air...gets from three to ten gulps everytime...none of his other tank mates do this...water test are all good...lfs says not to worry until they all do it...well, I disagree, if it is a problem I want to fix it now, not when they all do it..has anyone experienced this before?? I recently moved him,one week ago,as well as four other fish from my 55 reef to the 100 f/o tank... thanks in advance for your help


Active Member
unless you have an oxygen test you may not have enough oxygen in the tank. Try adding another powerhead and point it at the surface to reomve the surface tension.
If ouyr 100 gal is still new you may have moved him too early.


New Member
Thanks for the responce bud_on_tap, have had tank only a week but manager of lfs came over to set it up....tore my reef tank down, I mean took eveything out, used some of that water when we filled up the per the lfs guy to ease the transition of the fish, something about that water already had bacterias and such...moved all fish over...I don't have any powerhead in there so that is an option...I have noticed that I am just now going through the cycle, have just been invaded with brown algea all over rocks and subtrate....damm, I hope I did not mess this up....thanks

mr . salty

Active Member
Did you say ONE WEEK OLD??? What and how many fish do you have in there??? What are the water readings??? How much live rock/live sand??? Sounds too me like the tank is definatly to young to have any fish at all in it,much less a sailfin...And you should definatly have at least TWO powerheads in a tank that size...I'd say the sailfin is in distress from #1 being put into a new home,#2,not enough circulation/oxegen in the water,#3 an most importantly being put into a CYCLING tank...You say your LFS guy did this??Sounds a little fishy too me..


New Member
No Mr. Salty, its true, was having problems with my reef, so wanted to tear it down start fresh...bought a 100 gall for fo tank...set up 100 three days before we tore reef down...used water from reef to, as the lfs guy said "to ease the transition of the fish into the new tank" moved over the four fish from reef to new tank...check water last night trites,trates and phos are good, little trace of color but amonia is sky high, getting brown algea over rock...dont have lr bought cc subtrate and about 75 lbs of big rocks for them to hide....all other fish are fine, no signs of stress, they all eat like pigs, all of them.....will add power heads today..thanks