Sailfin Tang


Active Member
I was at my LFS that I have been going to for years (maybe about 7 or 8). I am going to get a scissor tail goby tomarrow. In the tank I saw a Sailfin Tang, it had its fins nipped, and was missing an eye. I asked about him and he said someone brought him in, some other way bigger fish got in a fight with him. The person didnt know what he was doing with SWF. He said that he needed a home and would give me him for free. I know the fins will grow back and the eye will not. I not sure whether or not to take him. I'm open to all suggestions and comments.
If it was me, I would check if he eats, if he does I WOULD TAKE him there beutiful fish. I got one and hes got lots of personality, wow just a missing eye, itll make the take look more original lol not all fish are perfect


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I dont have a QT. And he is small now. I will get him in a bigger tank later, whether if i get one or give it to some1 else


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Sebae Clown and a sixline wrasse. And im not sure if im going to get the scissor tail if im going to get him.
there friendly to most fish from what i know I have a Bar goby, 2 Firefish and a bi-color blennie in my 55 gallon and he dosent get aggresive or anything


Active Member
Yeah, i hear they are very friendly. He doesnt look scared for the fight that i can tell. He is eating and is very friendly the LFS says


Active Member
If I do, then what will i need to do extra for him to get his fins back and for him to be healthy?
Well my firefish gobys little trigger on the top was frayed and it healed in a few days cause I dipped there food in garlic. So if you put some nutrition in his food itll heal pretty quick i think