Salifert All In One


Active Member
Been using just this for the last 2 weeks (except for iodine which the Salifert does not contain) and my alk has stayed at 3-4 meq, calcium at 420, ph 8.2. Would like to get the ph a little higher, but I have been slack with water changes ratioed to bioload in my 50 tub.
At first I was skeptical about an all-in-one that supposedly contained everything except iodine, but this product seems to preform as stated. I am using the salifert test kits to check alk and calcium levels, pinpoint meter for ph. Corals all look superb. Using 6 drops per day. Directions are for 7-8 per 50gls.

I will continue to test over the next month or so and post results.


thanks Flricordia, look forward to hearing the results since nearly all of the all in one supplements seem to be crap!


I use reef solutions and it also works pretty good. You just have to worry about calcium and alk. Does Salifert all-in-one keep up with calcium and alk?


Active Member
So far so good. Corals are doing fantastic. Calcium has stayed at 420-450 accordin to Salifert test, Alk 3-4 meq and ph is 8 in morning and around 8.3 in evening.
I am using reef builder at 1 tsp per 4 gls top-off water also. Directions on Salifert All In One say a buffer is needed from time to time.
Iodine I am using as always for color and health of ricordea and zoanthids. Growth is very good.
Not many places are carrying this product I noticed. SWF has Salifert products, maybe they will start getting this some time soon so we can get it easily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dplantz http:///forum/post/2728120
How is this going? Just wondering as I might use it as a trace element type doser.
I am still using it, but I went back to adding the Kent's Iodine, moly/stront and kalk. I use only every other day and only half dose keeping an eye on alk and calcium. The zoas/rics just didn't seem to be popping using it alone. Now they are the best I have ever seen them. Here is pics taken just a little bit ago after using the Kent's for a week and half with the kalk.
In other words, jsut not what I thought it would pan out to be after using it for a while. Kind of dissapointed. But I guess all the all-in-ones claim to be the best, just none of them deliver as stated.


Active Member
last post on this product 08-19 and since then I have seen a tremendous acceleration in coraline algae growth. I added some base rock less than 2 weeks ago and I would guestimate that 30% is already starting to become covered with green, red and purple coraline speckling. G;ass of tank is dotted all about with coraline.
I am stillusing this at 50% dose instructions (4 drops per day per 50gls) along with Kent's Iodine (8 drops per day per 50gls) Kent's Moly/Stront (6 drops per day per 50gls) and kalkwasser in top-off water (1tsp per gl).


Active Member
looks sweet, and I think im going to try it. What are oyu talking about you have no more room!!! You've got tons of room
email sent


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scout
Still happy with the Salifert all in one?
I'm still using it. Upped it to 7 drops per 50gls daily. The rics and zoas all are looking great and macro algae seems to be doing will.
ph 8.4
alk 3.5 mEq/L
calcium at 480