Salifert and Aquarium pharmaceuticals test kit inconsistency


Hello - I just recieved my second set of test kits. My first kits were from salifert and the second set I ordered were from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. I just did a dKH test with both test kits and I ended up with 8.2 with salifert and 10-11 with aquarium pharmaceuticals. I know that salifert tests are preferred to AP (Aquarium phamaceuticals). Does anyone know how accurate these AP test are. I did each test twice to make sure I did it correctly and got the same numbers each time. Thanks, maybe some sort of conversion table could be made, lol.
Opinions would be appreciated, I don't want to have to discard these AP tests.


Also, the test tubes provided by AP are not 5 ml, like specified in the instructions. I used a syringe to put the water in and it was about 1/3 of an inch past the line. This is sad, they don't even have the measurments right.


Active Member
I hold on to the API tests that I think work to doublecheck what my real test kit tells me if I have any reason to doubt the numbers. The rest I toss.


Active Member
my opinion on API test kits is that they offer alot for a little money, however, i found the calcium kit to be way off. i didn't see alot of difference with the ALK though. i use the api for everything but Ca. so far everything is alive


Active Member
Also try each test in the same test tube and see what you get. Reason being if the api tube holds less water thats why it is giving a higher reading


+1 for the API Ca test.... That dang thing keeps telling me my calcium is 1200ppm..... and ummmm its not LOL to say the least. I don't even dose, have a 55gal and do 5 gal water changes weekly with Oceanic salt... I highly doubt a brand like oceanic has screwed up there element additions that bad, plus I have zero precipitation in the tank and my alkalinity is ideal at the moment. I use salifert now...


Active Member
I use API for everything. my calcium and alk always read about what I expect them too. the reason I use API is because I've heard just as much (more actually) inconsistancies and inaccuracies with salifert as I have with API. If I cant count on neither to be accurate might as well use the cheap one. Elos is allegedly the new standard in testing. I may try theirs out for kicks.