salifert calcium test


Active Member
i bought both the alk and calcium
in the alk, the kit included a funnel to stick for the 1ml needle
in the calcium kit, it did not have this funnel- but I think the instructions call for it.
does the calcium kit include the funnel?

nm reef

Active Member
The plastic tip that goes on the syringe that drips the solution in the final test process? Yes the calcium test will need that.


Active Member
so since I have been testing without the funnel, (and since the funnel holds a lot of liquid) my calcium test numbers are way off then? and may calcium levels are way way lower?


Active Member
i just did a test with the funnel and according to the test, my calcium is off the chart bc I used up all the luqiod in the needle, except that in the funnel and my water never turned blue!
the funnel holds .3 liquid!
I have not added that much calcium to my tank for it to be so high, im confused:confused:


Active Member
I don't think your results should be way off base, but just a little less accurate without the funnel-tip on the syringe.
Regardless of whether the funnel is on or off when the reagent is drawn into the syringe, 1mL of reagent is pulled in. With the funnel on, there is air in the funnel that gets drawn in along with the reagent (because the plunger can't go down to the tip of the funnel, so the air pocket forms), but you still titrate using 1mL of reagent. Without the funnel, 1mL would still be drawn in, but without the small tip of the funnel, the titration drops would be bigger and therefore you would not be able to measure the calcium level as accurately as you would with the tip on.


Active Member
thank god, i know what I did wrong, i put the funnel on after I filled the needle with liquid!