Saliferts Alk. test question


Active Member
i`m confused
i just got my new salifert Cal and Alk tests. i tested both,
Cal - 410ppm
Alk - 4dKH if i`m figuring it right ???
and if this is correct how do i get it up to between 8 - 9.9 ???


What are u reading with that test there should be two readings one for ur alk and the other for ur dkh, are u sure ur alk wasnt at 4


Active Member
Originally Posted by volcom69
What are u reading with that test there should be two readings one for ur alk and the other for ur dkh, are u sure ur alk wasnt at 4

if i`m doing it right, i had 0.25 left in the syringe, i X that by 5.71 right ???


just use the chart that came with the tst kit and follow .25 over to see what ALK and DH levels it cooresponds to


Active Member
Originally Posted by Winstew
just use the chart that came with the tst kit and follow .25 over to see what ALK and DH levels it cooresponds to

so, how do i go about lowering my levels then ???


Active Member
SG- 1.026
Amm- 0
Trites- 0
Trates- 0
pH- 8.1
Phos- 0
Cal- 410ppm
Alk- if i did it right are like 4.19 ???


We just bought the Salifert ALk test too. We kept getting readings that didn't make sense and were going crazy with water changes trying to get the alk to the appropriate level. THEN we carefully read the instructions in RED, for some odd reason you have to cross read the chart. I can't really describe how to read that silly chart but go back and read the instuctions in red.....then you will have the correct readings. I"ll bet that they are spot on too. Just my 2 cents worth.


Active Member
I checked my salifert test and according the the chart (if yours is the same as mine) and you said you had 0.25 mL left your Alk reading is between 11.8 and 12.2 dHK or 4.23 and 4.34 meq/L. It sounds like you already figured that and are wondering how to lower it. I don't think you have to worry about lowering it, I would just wait and let it lower on its own. DO you add any buffers or Alk additives?


Active Member
nope, i don`t add anything to my talk ...
i did just switch from IO salt to Reef Crystals, only 2 water changes with the Crystals ...


Active Member
Well you might want to double check your results because that seems like a high Alk reading. I have the exact opposite situation with my salt (Kent) my alk is way low. I am thinking about trying Tropic Marin even though it is alot more money.