Salinity Calculations?


New Member
Does anyone know how to calculate the real salinity base on the observed salinity at different temp? Thanks...


There is a program on the web called "Aquarium manager" that is free to download that allows you make that conversion very simply. Use a search engine and you should be able to find it.


New Member
But now another question? Would you or anyone put snails in their refugium? If yes/no...why or why not? Also, I have a U.V. sterilizer and I don't think I should use it because it might kill off beneficial bacteria's..any suggestions? Thanks..


Active Member
The calculation program is great, the only thing I can add is to make sure you S.G. tester is accurate. Most are calibrated at 77 degress, and most reef tanks are atleast 80. I would take a sample into you LFS and compare your tester to theirs to get an idea of the correction factor, if any :)


Active Member
I would put snails in my ref, some will help with detritus(which will get in there too), others will help with algae, so you don't have to harvest as often, but I would not add these until you have a good growth
YOu answered my opinion on UV, otheres like them, but I dislike them said it best, UV is not choosy about what it kills