Salinity Poll


I keep it at 1.026-1.027 in my reef. I know thats a little high and I am lowering it gradually but i havent seen any problems yet!


Salinity is 35 ppm
specific gravity is 1.025
Using a refractometer


Active Member
My salitity in sp was 1.040, That's when I didnt know much about saltwater fish. I slowly lowered my salitity and now it is about 1.024sp, I think thats like 34ppm? :joy:


Active Member
I bumped mine up to 1.025 using refractometer. I am so PUMPED! Live rock is en route!
ETA: Friday; Saturday at the latest (hopefully).
I got 40 lbs. of Fiji for a 24 gallon nano cube, I hope it fits. :joy:


Active Member
P.S. - My temperature is a constant 84 degrees F. Is this too warm? I cannot lower it because the stock pump keeps it at this temperature.


Active Member
i keep my tank at 81-83.... im not sure if its too high
but i would be worried if it got much higher than that.... will your lights make it hotter.... i have a chiller on my tank i know thats a big cost for a small tank but u just have to be careful for it to not get much higher than that


Active Member
It may be a bit warm, but I doubt it is urgent, what is more important, is that the temp does not change rapidly.


Active Member
I do not think the lights have a big effect. They are only two 36 watt 50/50 power compacts and they are pretty well vented with fans and the works. I bought a heater, but it is obvious I do not need it.


Active Member
yeah like stated before it might be ok just slowly acclimate whatever u get to the warmer water and just make sure it doesnt swing too much from day to night