Salinity question??

duece biga

New Member
ok my 10gal i have as a hospital tank was registering 1.026 so i added a few cups of fresh water to it to bring it down. Instead of bringing it down it brought it up to 1.028? When my salinity is above the red zone on a hydrometer do i add fresh water or do i add more salt? i could be doing this totally backwards. And also if i need to add more salt do i just take water out of the tank an mix salt with it an put it back or do i take the water out an put new water with salt in it???:help:


If your salinity is to high you must remove salt from your tank. When evaporation occurs it only removes water from your tank and leaves behind the salt. If you are topping off with fresh water your salinity should remain pretty constant. To bring your salinity down you must remove salt water and when add the right amount of RO water back into the tank to decrease the salinity. When doin a water change you should add new salt water back into the tank. Hope this helps answer some questions. I have heard keeping the levels accurate on small tanks takes major patience and dedication. Good Luck!!