salinity threshold?

the reef

Originally Posted by civileng68
What is the salinity threshold to keep the fish safe?

I would say if you only have fish do a salinity of 1.20 at the lest and up to 1.28
most fish that are refered to as hardy can with stand the difrent ranges of salinity and ph levels but still are sensitive to quick of a change in these conditions. More fish as refered to as hard to keep like to have at lest a 1.25 and if you are doing a reef tank I would say never do less than 1.25


Originally Posted by The reef
I would say if you only have fish do a salinity of 1.20 at the lest and up to 1.28
most fish that are refered to as hardy can with stand the difrent ranges of salinity and ph levels but still are sensitive to quick of a change in these conditions. More fish as refered to as hard to keep like to have at lest a 1.25 and if you are doing a reef tank I would say never do less than 1.25

I swear my fish store is just horrible. I have LR and soon will have anemone, and clowns and inverts and they told me 1.019


1.25 is a little too high for any saltwater fish. You might want to try going to about 1.025 SG.
Edit: Many fish stores purposefully keep a lower specific gravity because they only keep the livestock short-term. Supposedly the lower SG will get rid of most parasites that might be on the fish/coral/inverts. For long term purposes I would stay at 1.024-1.027 for reef tanks.


Please do not try to keep an anemone unless you have a LOT of saltwater experience. How much research have you done on anemones??


Originally Posted by Weberian
Please do not try to keep an anemone unless you have a LOT of saltwater experience. How much research have you done on anemones??

Well I've been doing alot of research, not to say I'm not a newby. I just bought a $169.00 PC light system specifically for a future anemone.
I've been really making sure I do everything right, including spending MUCH more than I like.
I know anemone's need current/water flow as well and purchased an EXTRA powerhead along with an already HOB filter and an Aqua C Remora HOB Skimmer (1200 pump).
I just don't know what to trust at my fish store anymore. This was the same store that initially told me to keep my UG filter until I found out that's not good when having LR and inverts and other things like that.

the reef

Originally Posted by Vlondi
1.25 is a little too high for any saltwater fish. You might want to try going to about 1.025 SG.
Edit: Many fish stores purposefully keep a lower specific gravity because they only keep the livestock short-term. Supposedly the lower SG will get rid of most parasites that might be on the fish/coral/inverts. For long term purposes I would stay at 1.024-1.027 for reef tanks.

sorry when I talked about the amout i ment 1.020 and 1.025

the reef

underground filter will still work but it is more dificult to keep up and mantain if your up to it and get into the underground filter it would definitly take more effort to sucesfully do the underground filter.


Originally Posted by The reef
the anemone will need at the lest 2 watts of lighting per gallon of tank watter to survive

I have 130 watts total in a 29 gallon tank. (2 lights at 65 watts each, 50/50 lights)

the reef

the oeacen is between 1.025 and 1.028 so keeping a reef i would stay inbetween these say 1.026 the anemone will be conciderd a reef keeping animal

the reef

verry nice i see your lighting is up to the high quality up more than 4 watts per gallon you should have no trubble with reef keeping as far as the lights go that amount should be enough for soft and hard corals as well


Originally Posted by The reef
just make shure your two white acent lights are at lest the 10, k lighting and you will be doing good

My lights are EXACTLY 10,000K. However, with 65 watts, what "K" can I go up to?

the reef

I only have the 10 k lighting on my 72 gallon reef but when I do a 300 gallon reef im going to do 20 k lighting in that


Originally Posted by civileng68
My lights are EXACTLY 10,000K. However, with 65 watts, what "K" can I go up to?

Well, I believe that the K refers to the color of the light not the power of the light.
lower K lighting is more yellow orange or red.
A 10,000 K is a crisp white and the higher you go the deaper blue the light gets.
20,000 K is a deap blue and for coral and other reef animals I've heard that they feed off of blue spectrum lighting so it's important to have one 10 or 12 K and a .03 actinic blue bulb.
or if you have two 50/50 lamps they'll work too.


Active Member
For a reef tank with inverts, the specific gravity should be, IMO, 1.025-1.026. There is wiggle room on either end, but inverts get very stressed out with lower end salinity typical of fish only systems (1.019 to 1.024).
I STRONGLY suggest you find another LFS if they say 1.019 is safe for inverts. Either that or be sure that their invert systems are higher...or you may be wasting a lot of money in a failed effort to keep inverts.


Keep in mind that anemones are delicate creatures and are very fragile in immature tanks; I didn't read you stating how old your system is so can't make a decent guess as to how successful you might be with one in your tank. Also remember that the "watts per gallon" rule is a very loose suggestion to go by. By no means is it actually a rule. Having 160watts of PCs on a 29 gallon is probably enough, however, because I don't know of too many 29g tanks that are especially deep.
Two things for TheReef: I know what you meant when I corrected your SG suggestions. I meant my post as a joke; I simply forgot to put in a smiley letting you know that. Second, you should try editing a post to include more if you were the last to post in a thread. This site spends good money to give us these forums and it is nice to save them all the bandwidth we can.