
I went to my lfs( does that mean local fish store?) and he recommened keeping the salinity at 1.019 he says it helps the fish from getting any sickness....and everything I have read states quite the opposite as far as salinity goes...I try to keep mine between 1.021 and 1.024 am I wrong? Thanks!!!!!


To my knowledge anything between 1.020 and 1.025 is good. The lower end is better for a fish only tank and the upper for a reef. I have a fish only tank which I keep right at 1.021 most of the time.


Yes lfs stands for local fish store. I have always kept mine salinity that is in between 1.021 - 1.024. That is what I have always read and have followed. HTH


It all depends if you keep corals or not. I tried the 1.019 and it really didn't help the ich and my corals died. I now keep mine at 1.025 or so and everything is fine. I started feeding garlic soaked foods and believe me, if you catch the ich early, it will cure it and keep your fish healthy. I brought a hippo home about two months ago and in 24 hrs he stressed and got covered in ich. I stuffed him with as much as he would eat and soaked most of his food in liguid garlic from the health food store. He is now completely ich free and growing like a bad weed. Good Luck <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />
Garlic? why would u do that? I have never heard of that at all? why foods would u soak and garlic and why...what kind of fish? see I am clueless but not as much as I was about a week ago!!! This place is great and I am addicted BIG TIME!!!


the guy at my lfs said the same thing to keep it at 19, and i did till i got some inverts so i had to raise it


I believe soaking food in garlic helps ward off diseases like ich and such. I understand you should not use an oil base though. If you read some posts in the disease forum, or do a search on this message board, you can find out alot more info.


I'm new to this hobby, but everything I've heard and read, would lead me to believe the 19 is too low. I have three tanks and keep all at 24. ;)