Salley Lightfoot problem



I recently found out that old Mr. Salley gets mean when is has grown up, and I would like to get him out of my tank before he starts killing things, which I think he already has a couple shrimp. I have about 70 lbs lr in my 55 gal. I was just wondering if anyone out there knows how to get him out and any other info on old Mr. Salley would be greatful.:mad:
Good luck! I had to break down my tank to get him out. A real pain in my neck, but it gave me the opportunity to remove some "problem children" to another tank and redecorate at the same time!

reef aquaria

New Member
What worked for us was to cut the bottom out of a soda bottle and lean it against the rocks. Eventually the sally lightfoot went in and couldn't get back out as the sides are slippery. The size bottle would depend on how big yours is. We used a 1 liter, but because of the size of the hole where the cap was, be sure to have a net ready so it can't slip out the other end when you pick the bottle up.


Active Member
thats a really good idea reef aqaria, but why wouldnt you just leave the cap on? this would prevent hiim form falling out at all!, and maybe bait the trap with some shrimp or something. its obund to work eventually!
good luck
The sally lightfoot crab is a member of the family of crabs that will leave water in their natural enviroment. My wife had to remove a piece of live rock to catch a damsel that we have in the tank. Sally hung onto the rock and was out of the water for at least 10 minutes until she noticed that sally was crawling on the floor. Sally went back into the tank and has not had any bad effects from being out of water


Just wanted to add a question to this post, I too have a sally light foot and recently my 2 cleaner shrimp have disappeared. No trace of foul play so I am stumped. Could my sally possibly have eaten my cleaner shrimp? It blows me away because I love having different species of inverts in my tank with sally being one of my favorties but cannot keep him if he is costing me money. When ya'll say your sallies get mean when bigger what problems are they causing and how big are you talking. Mine is no bigger than any other sally I have seen.


New Member
There was a big discussion a while back on sallys. Someone suggested that in their findings only the males get all crazy when they reach sexual maturity and start attacking/tearing apart stuff. You can tell the males as they have a V shaped opening thingy on the bottum of there shell. The females have a U.
At the time I had one of each in my tank and decided I wanted to get rid of the male as it seemed to be reaching maturity. Its claws were getting large and was acting agressive.
I think it was the same person that told me the easy way to catch the males is just wait until after dark and you will find the sucker dancing along the glass in the front of the tank. After trying the glass trap methode to no success.(My shrimps kept swimming of with the bait.) I came out after dark and there he was break dancing along the glass and i simply netted him.
I still have the female in my tank and really enjoy her. She never bothers anything. I gave the male to a friend that only has damsels in their reef.


Active Member
typical behavior of males reaching sexual matuity huh...breaking stuff, trying to ge --- on, etc!
;) :D ;)