Sally Light Foot Crab Reef Safe?


Is the sally light foot crab reef safe? It says that it eats algae so I didn't think it would be a problem with a reef tank but looking for some advise.


Mine is wonderful! She eats and eats. I had a huge amount of green hair algae. It is nearly all gone. I've had her for 2 weeks I think. I have read they get predatory and start to munch on coral and smaller hermits as they get bigger, but as of now I have no issues.


I had one and I loved it. I had a major brown algae problem and it disapeared overnite when I put it in the tank. It will snag some small fish if it gets big... I used to put guppies in for my dwarf lion and the crab would turn into a ninja and backflip from one rock to another catching them. very impressive. Im getting one soon as I find a job.


Thanks, He gets to stay then. Just spent the night changing the rock and taking out the niger trigger and damsel. The trigger tried to get the crab a couple times but that crab is fast. The trigger is heading for the LFS for a store credit. He was going to be risky anyways when I start putting corals in. The damsel was just plain mean. Attached the blue tang that was just added to the tank constantly. Thanks for the help everyone.