Sally Lightfoot Attacking Snails???


New Member
Is this supposed to happen? I was walking by my tank earlier today and happened to notice my Sally Lightfoot carrying one of my snails under a rock. Because I wasn't fast enough to get the snail away from him...I sat and watched him. He started digging into the snail shell and prying the snail out...also looked like he was eating it. Is that something that usually happens or is my crab mental?


New Member
I have 2 of those crabs and I also have 2 snails and so far they haven't messed with my snails. One thing I like about these types of crabs are they seem to get along with everything. I've had a good luck with them.


New Member
Yo guys(& girls)
I got a story thats going to be hard to top!! I bought a sally light foot crab for my reef about 2 years ago. He's gotten Quite large since I first purchased him. Any way, he was always very aggressive, going after all of my fish didn't matter which one. Well one day I was on a fishstore web site and I saw a special on baby maxima clams. So I said to myself "hey there is nothing stopping me from buying this clam and I can't pass up this offer. So I bought it, it was shipped, I received it in perfect health, put it in my tank it was beautiful!!
Well three days go by all is well..Except on the third day my clam was not where I placed him, so I take the flash lite search the tank high and low....... and I find my SALLY LIGHT FOOT CHOWING DOWN ON MY BRAND NEW PRIZED POSETION. Thats right HE EAT MY PRECIOUS BABY CLAM!!!! JUST THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES ME WANT TO CRY.


New Member
Why does this site put them in the clean up packages if they're violent like that? That is how I got him. I found him eating on another snail today too. I try to reach in and take it away...and he runs under a rock WITH THE SNAIL! At this point...are there any advantages of keeping him in my tank? I don't want him to eat all of my snails. Should I take him out? And if do I get him if he hides most of the time unless he's after my snails...and even then he runs away the second my hand goes in the tank?


New Member
To answer your question. You can do without the sally light foot. Some blue legged hermit crabs will do about the same thing that your sally will. I'm working on getting mine out right now. I'll tell you how I'm tring to get him out. I got a mayo glass jar, put a peice of krill in the bottom of the jar, put the jar at the bottom of the tank on a slight angle(put the opening of the jar against some rock). Hopefully he'll go in for the bait and won't be able to get out. I did it tonight so I don't know if it is going to work, but good luck!


New Member
I would take it out ASAP. No sense in losing anny more money. BTW, I have 2 of them and I notice that one of them is missing 2 claws!! So I guess sometimes they fight amongst themselves.

what me worry!

I had a sally lightfoot once but it died. I was sad but now I am not
I do have a pair of annoying camel shrimp that I cant get out. Thought of taking out the cleaner shrimps(easy to do) and putting a big ole arc eye hawkfish/blue hamlet in. he he
That ought to fix the buggers. You might try that with your sally lightfoot.


I use a regular net I put a piece of fresh shrimp in and put it close to the crab I want to catch and then wait. I have caught 3 crabs like this.


My sally lightfoot attacked a small cleaner wrasse and ate it alive. Once again, he ran under the rock WITH THE WRASSE. They seem to be cool other than the fact that if you find a sick fish it is DEAD.