Sally Lightfoot in danger?


New Member
First of all, I would like to say this is a great site I've picked up a lot of information from this message board.
I have a Sally Lightfoot that recently molted, all looked good at first but I have recently noticed that it's missing both of its claws. I'm not sure if it happened during the molt or shortly thereafter.
My question is will the claws regenerate? If so, will it be able to feed itself until then? Should I make it some prosthetic claws?... But, then I'll have to call it "Sally Scissors Claws"
It's been a few days since the tragic accident and seems to be doing okay. Honestly, I really dont like this crab because it picks on (actually, kills and eats) my shrimp, but I dont want it to die a horrible death from starvation.
Also, has anyone had any experience with an agressive Sally Lightfoot? On the advise of my LFS I've been supplementing it with additional food, but it prefers shrimp.
Any ideas will be appreciated.


New Member
Thanks for the imput. Removing it from the tank would probably be best for all involved. I just would like to be able to return it to the LFS with all its appendages.
Maybe if I'm lucky I can catch it and the damsel at the same time.


I have a sally and a damsel. Never had trouble with either one. Sally's always eating away at algae and blue damsel just swims back and forth. These guys will sometimes give a tank trouble but it's best to give them a chance and not to panic and get rid of them. Keep an eye on them and if they give you hell remove them.