sally lightfoot


hey.. I just caught my sally lightfoot eating half-cut body of one of my red hermit crabs; this is not cool. is he always going to be like this? or do you think the hermit crab was already dead..? please help me! :(


Active Member
vince; they will eat anything that is available and dead so consider it as a clean up crew for dead residents. I do now feed my sally a piece of krill or silversides (on a feeding stick) every couple of days and it is quite happy to get it. It is almost as much fun as feeding my eels.


My Sally has never been a problem. Mostly eats algae, but will scramble to catch watever it can when I a feeding the fish. I never see it go after any of the other inverts. I would not be overly concerned if I were you. TT


hey man...
just make sure the sally lightfoot wasnt munching on the molted remains of a hermit. hermits that are growing molt frequently, leaving behind a "corpse" that looks like the hermit is dead. i'm sure this "corpse" has some nutritional value as i have seen my emerald crabs, shrimps, and other hermits scavenging it for whatever nutritional value it may have. more than likely, it's just a castoff shell of a hermit and not really the hermit...hope this helps......


Active Member
yep, keitho is right. It may be just molten.(I hope this is the right (terminology). sorry, cannot spell.
Another issue is how large is the hermit?
A large red legged hermit is very aggresive and will kill! I'm just guessing that it is small and nothing to worry about though.
If it is smaller than a nickle or so, you are just seeing the normal things that goes on in a reef tank.


swf sent me quiet large hermits. well, compared to blue-legged hermits i mean.
how can i feed these guys? i mean all my inverts


I had 4 sallys in my 55 and they did great. Then one day I found the larger one eating a smaller one. At first I thought it was eating a molted shell then I saw the molted shell trying to get away. Thats when I knew he was a canibal. Then I was down to two.
These two lived in harmony for about a month and I thought they might be paired, becouse they never atacked each other. So I got 3 more. And today I have still have all 5 in the tank. When I asked the LFS guy about it, he said that they only eat algae. Now I know not to ask that guy anything else, becouse when I feed the fish the brine the sallys go nuts trying to catch the brine floating around. They will spring throught the water trying get the brine. It is a very funny sight to see. So IMO; Yes he could of killed it for food. Good luck