Sally (very) lightfoot


New Member
I have had my Sally lightfoot for nearly a year I tansfered her/him to another tank with a couple of damsels, and now found it with no legs!!!! Just a pair of pincers, I am assuming hopefully it will regenerate new legs. It is hiding on a sponge filter and feeding O.K so is it possible the damsels ate her legs whilst it was "soft shelled????


Damsels being very territorial, especially after being in a established tank, probably attack your Sally, when it was introduced into their territory. I don't think it'll survive long with them in this state, It has no means to defend itself, mainly scurrying away to hide. Don't know about the legs though.


The legs will grow back within a week or two if you water parameters are ok. ie calcium,iodine,hardness
If your Damsels are attacking though how long will they last???????
HTH Darryl