Salt calculation?


Was wondering if anyone has a "salt calculation" forumula or tool that they could share (like something in MS Excel would be fantastic!)
Specifically, what I'm wanting is something that, for example, I need to raise my salinity from X to Y and my total gallonage is Z, I can plug those values in and it calculates how much salt (in cups) would need to be added.
And conversely, if I want to lower my salinity and know those same parameters, what percentage/amount of saltwater would need to be removed and relaced with the same volume of freshwater to get to the targeted salinity level.
Right now I'm just adding a little, measuring, adding a little, measuring...until i get there. Having the right measurements at the get-go would be so very handy.
Maybe I'm the only one that missed that day of class?



Active Member
Try this one, there are others you can find with a google search


Active Member
however, when raising or lowering your salinity, you want to do it slowly so that you dont shock your tank inhabitants.