Salt Choice


Active Member
Instant Ocean, because I wanted the free power head :D . Really, I've heard a lot of good reports and the price is reasonable.


Active Member
I use IO also because I want to make sure I can find my brand of salt where ever I might go.


i've only used io and have had good luck with. it is also very easy to find at lfs around here.


Reef Crystals, made by the same people as Instant Ocean, just slightly higher levels to keep up with a reef's usage (so aquarium systems says)


Active Member
I've always used Instant Ocean from the start.
I did try a bucket of Reef Crystals .. but I'm back to IO now.


broomer, did you switch back due to adverse results, or just not enought positive change to justify the price difference? So far I have had no problems with the reef crystals, but then again, I do not have a large array of corals, so I would not be able to witness the would be affects.


Active Member
I may not have used the Reef Crystals long enough to actually see much of a difference, if a difference would even be noticable.
My LFS guy had bought a bunch of the reef crystals and the stuff was on sale.
Maybe some others here will add their experience with the two.

the claw

Active Member
Instant Ocean because of it's reputation, free powerhead or t-shirt, and I love those big buckets when they are empty.