Salt Choice


Active Member
i paid 50 bucks for a 150 gallon mix so its not too bad but i think i paid 30 bucks for shipping lol but you know what its worth it to me for my animals to have the very best they can get living in a tank after being used to open water. if you want a good site that sells it let me know i know a really good one

the claw

Active Member
What source do you have in getting it. I've never seen it where I live. Of course T-shirt or not, I'm njot sure I'm ready to fix something that doesn't seem to be broken.;)


I have a place that sells the 50 gallon bags for $15. I still have a 50 gallon bag of instant ocean that I am not going to waste. I think I may try the other stuff and use it for water changes. There isn't any problem in mixing salts, right? Thanks.


Active Member
here is a good place to get it they dont sell junk only good ----
i strongly suggest you keep reading and read and read some more.


Active Member
hey i used to use IO and since im back into the hobby again i decided i wanted to reasearch salts to find the best and there it is there. i mean i wouldnt buy a salt because of what free item they give i buy sallt for "long" term care of my reef.


Active Member
sorry about that didnt relize that was not allowed anyways mabey swf should think about supplying a quality salt hehe

the claw

Active Member
I'm pretty sure I meant that as a joke, at least I think I did.(about the T-shirt thing) and by the way reading is great, but just because you see it in print doesn't mean its the law.


That link is a company web site that sells the stuff so you might want to remove all of those links. Krowleey may work for the company or something, who knows. It just doesn't seem like a very popular salt mix and I have never heard of it. That is just my opinion though. I could be wrong. It is also very hard to trust things that you read on the internet too so make your choice wisely. I am always very skeptical about things though.


Active Member
Hey Jeni, you are truly lost dont post personal remarks when you dont know what your talking about or even seeing have a nice day.

sinner's girl

Instant Ocean -it's the only brand we've used...only brand I ever knew's worked fine for the past few years we've used it.
"powerhead or t-shirt, and I love those big buckets" I've always seen it in a bag... a big bucket would be cool and we've never gotten a free powerhead or t-shirt. how do you get a ph or shirt?


What do you mean don't post personal remarks? People ask for other peoples opinion on stuff so I give my opinion. I shouldnt have made the remark about you working for them because I really don't know and I am sorry, but my point is that you cannot trust everything that you read off web sites. Everyone is going to claim to be the best. That goes for a lot of products these days.


Plus, most people use Instant Ocean with no problem. You said "its the facts" about the marine environments, but like The Claw said "just because you see it in print doesn't mean it is the law." Maybe someone should run a Poll so see who uses what.


Active Member
the s-15 report if u looked at it gives the breakdown on 15 salts it doesnt say any of them is the best just gives scores on which products are closer to NSW, IO has been around a long time and i used to use it myself but after i did some reasearch i saw that there are better salts out there. no you cant believe everything that you read, but personally i like the s-15 report its about time that has been done and yes i do believe it thats just me tho. btw that company could sell IO as anyone can so there is no basis on knocking IO other than what the breakdown is. Do some reasearch then post what ya find i spent hours researching otherwise i would be using IO.


Good point and I thought the same thing when I first read the S-15 report as you. But I have been doing some research but that is the only place that I find anything about Marine Environment being the closest. I will do some more research when I have more time. Good luck finding the best salt stumpdog :)


krowl and jenni-
what a great banter that was ;)
i only wish i lived that close to the ocean.
Thanks everyone


Active Member

Originally posted by krowleey
Hey Jeni, you are truly lost dont post personal remarks when you dont know what your talking about or even seeing have a nice day. me a favor and keep your personal remarks to yourself.........about someone being lost that is. We are all here to learn and share information, not verbally bash one another.
BTW- There are a thousand articles out there that show other salt mixes as being the best.......just because somebody did a review on something doesn't make it the truth. This is all about opinions.