Salt Creep, where do I put it?


When cleaning up the salt from the external components of my tank, should I put the salt back into the system and if so, where - directly into DT or sump.
When I introduce fish into the system, will it be safe to throw pieces of salt directly into the DT. Cant imagine that's good eating...??

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotikis
When cleaning up the salt from the external components of my tank, should I put the salt back into the system and if so, where - directly into DT or sump.
When I introduce fish into the system, will it be safe to throw pieces of salt directly into the DT. Cant imagine that's good eating...??
I usually just throw it away if my salinity level in my system is stable and at the level I desire.


Active Member
I throw it away also, but it would do no harm to put it back in the system. If you do put it back, add it to the sump, any undissolved salt landing on corals will fry them.


I would never add salt back into the display tank
its just a natural unavoidable part of fish tanks but one shouldnt put it back in DTs
undissolved salt can burn the gills of fish and coral
just buy new salt its cheap