salt creep

saltcreep chris

New Member
Our tank always has so much salt creep and when we get it off it just comes back! We get more stuff to get rid of the salty stuff than to get food for our fish! We have 2 powerheads that might caused our creep so contact me if you have any cure!!!!!!


salt creep is from evaporation. just rub it off into your sump. i wouldn't let it drop in the main tank because it could harm corals and such if it settle to them. you will always have salt creep ...well, as long as you have salt water :)


are the powerheads set up to push "air" into the tank? If so, disconnect and plug the air lead. Bubbles are the worst cause of salt creep so if you have any airstones etc. in the tank pull them out too.
Just my. 02,