Salt Mix Quality & Consistency Experiment


There is a lot of controversy over salt mix consistencies from batch to batch, but very little evidence supporting the controversy. People have reported “killer mixes” where they received a batch which caused deaths in their tank after water changes.
After a recent discussion on this board I came up with an idea. If I could get enough people to send me a sample of their salt (maybe ½ a cup to 1 cup) I could test them and then post the results. I have the capability to test for PH, Alkalinity, Calcium, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Phosphate, Iodine, Strontium, Silicates and Iron. In addition I would either purchase or borrow an electronic PH meter and TDS meter for the best possible accuracy. If I can find an electronic Calcium meter I would use that as well.
This, of course will not be lab quality analysis, but I really think it will give us an idea of kind of consistency each brand has.
By using salt samples from various individuals around the country, I surely will be sampling from different batches.
What I would like to know is how many people would be interested in sending me a small sample of salt? Probably double or triple bagged and sent in the US mail. It would be a small amount so shipping should be no more than a couple of bucks. After testing I will post the results for all to share.
Would you be willing to participate? If I do not get enough positive feedback, I wont bother.


sounds to me like your shooting for a free bucket of salt. What do you need about 40 "Participants"?? J/K count me in. hehe


Originally Posted by Tanker555
sounds to me like your shooting for a free bucket of salt. What do you need about 40 "Participants"?? J/K count me in. hehe
Shhhhhhh! :joy: :joy:

sinner's girl

Give me your address and I will send you my saltwater.
Do you want it from the tank or freshly mixed and can I send more than one sample? (I ask because it seems a recent bag of IO salt is the problem with my tank, high ph of 8.6 and alk off the chart, I'm buiying new salt (diff brand) on Saturday, and will mix it and do a water change on Sunday).
The sample I send will be of IO salt bought in North LA.
The second sample would be of a yet to be known brand from North LA, *****. (though it would have to be freshly mixed, since it's not in my tank yet...and you wouldn't get good results after only a 15% water change).
BTW, you might get more responds on other boards.


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
Give me your address and I will send you my saltwater.
Do you want it from the tank or freshly mixed and can I send more than one sample? (I ask because it seems a recent bag of IO salt is the problem with my tank, high ph of 8.6 and alk off the chart, I'm buiying new salt (diff brand) on Saturday, and will mix it and do a water change on Sunday).
The sample I send will be of IO salt bought in North LA.
The second sample would be of a yet to be known brand from North LA, *****. (though it would have to be freshly mixed, since it's not in my tank yet...and you wouldn't get good results after only a 15% water change).
BTW, you might get more responds on other boards.
I would be looking only for dry salt mix. I thought I would get an idea if people were interested on this board and possibly post on a few others.


Active Member
If you are trying to test the consistancy of salt batches from one bag to the next perhaps you should stick with testing one brand at a time and to mean anything you'd still probably have to test a lot and for a long time, like a year or more. I'm guessing there's tons upon tons of say Instant oscean on pet store shelves. you could test 40 batches with all different results and its still such a small percentage of salt that you cant conclude anything from it. Or you could test 40 batches that left the factory around the same time with exact same results which really isn't going to be conclusive either. That and the fact people can send you anything and tell you its whatever. If you just want to test trace elements pH, alk and such the previous test has all that plus about 8 more elements hobbiest dont even concern themselves with.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
If you are trying to test the consistancy of salt batches from one bag to the next perhaps you should stick with testing one brand at a time and to mean anything you'd still probably have to test a lot and for a long time, like a year or more. I'm guessing there's tons upon tons of say Instant oscean on pet store shelves. you could test 40 batches with all different results and its still such a small percentage of salt that you cant conclude anything from it. Or you could test 40 batches that left the factory around the same time with exact same results which really isn't going to be conclusive either. That and the fact people can send you anything and tell you its whatever. If you just want to test trace elements pH, alk and such the previous test has all that plus about 8 more elements hobbiest dont even concern themselves with.
Like I said, this would be far from secintific and certainly not conclusive, but it does not appear that anyone else had done any kind of comparison. I would love to be able to do extensive analysis, but my practical options are limited analysis or nothing at all.
What previous test? Are you refering to the S-15?