Salt Mix


Active Member
Will i encounter any type of problem by switching salt mixes? I'm currently using Red Sea and Id like to make a switch.


I was using coralife and I change to kent marine, just because that the one I found. No problem yet.


Active Member
Just do a 5% change instead of a 10% change the corals and fish will gradually get use to the new salt.


Its no problem at all as long as you keep the salinity the same...
DONT change to Oceanic.. it has SUPER HIGH CALCIUM and SUPER HIGH ALK...
very unstable, i also had PH problems with Oceanic, i switched to Instant Ocean and now my tank is doing MUCH MUCH Better!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shnabbles
Its no problem at all as long as you keep the salinity the same...
DONT change to Oceanic.. it has SUPER HIGH CALCIUM and SUPER HIGH ALK...
very unstable, i also had PH problems with Oceanic, i switched to Instant Ocean and now my tank is doing MUCH MUCH Better!
Yea Ive heard bad things about Oceanic. I was thinking maybe Reef Crystals or Instant Ocean. Any experience with Reef Crystals?


Active Member
I use too use Instant Ocean but I recently made a switch to Tropic Marine and so far I like it cause it keeps the Cal. and Alk pretty steady.


New Member
Drew: I'm in the same camp as "escape2thewater". Why have you decided to change from Red Sea? Just wondering what I have been missing.


Active Member
Have you been having problems with your Ca & alk? If so, How do you know its the salt mix causing it? Sorry for being so nosy, its just that ive been using red sea for years now and havent had any problems or ever hera of anybody having problems. Id be interested to hear if anybody ever does so I can test my new sw mix BEFORE introduing it to my tanks. Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by escape2thewater
Have you been having problems with your Ca & alk? If so, How do you know its the salt mix causing it? Sorry for being so nosy, its just that ive been using red sea for years now and havent had any problems or ever hera of anybody having problems. Id be interested to hear if anybody ever does so I can test my new sw mix BEFORE introduing it to my tanks. Thanks.
No problems at all. I just figured a change in salt may raise my calcium up a lil higher. Rather than dosing anything. my alk is ok. its just my ca. i cannot get it past 400. im trying a new test kit i bought today to see if my other one was giving me fals readings.