Salt Mix?


Has anyone used Deep Sea salt mix? I think that is the name. That is what I started my tank out with I think. I need to mix some water for a water change. I was looking at that because it was pretty cheap. :D
Also I am using RO water not RO/DI should this make much of a difference? I go to those glacier machines they have outside of stores where you get a gal. for a quarter. I have to go that way tell I can get a RO/DI unit. :D I am just woundering if it should make a difference because I have been getting what I think are diatoms but not sure on my sand bed and on my glass. Is there anything I should add the the mix?
Also my lfs sells mixed water. I was woundering if anyone buys there water from there lfs for water changes? I think I want to mix mine you never know what they might put in it.
Thank You

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
RO units only get about 50% phosphates, silicates outta water, the DI part gets around 99% out. Thats what could be causing your diatom problem. Have you tested for phosphates and silicates??
Ive noticed that when i had my lights on too long i got a bit of an algae problem also, how long are your on??
I have bought premixed salt water from my store but i prefer not to. Their SG is around 1.023, i like to keep mine 1.025


You don't mean Deep Ocean Sea Salts do you? If that is what you mean I used to use it, it was not very good, once I switched to Instant Ocean things were better.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
dont go cheap on the salt, all the good brands have alot of the needed trace minerals that are essential for your tank.


I have not tested my phosphates yet. The main problem I am having in algae on the galss. It comes back so fast. I have a mag float but it is really hard to get that stuff off with that when it has been there for a little while.
My lights are on for about 10 hours a day. I think I will bring that down to 8 hours a day. What do you think?
Do you think I will be ok if I mix Instant Ocean with my RO water? That is the only reason I am thinking of getting my mixed water from my lfs because they say they have a RO/DI unit, but the guy did not seem to sure. :D
As for the other question. I think it is the Deep Ocean Sea Salts. I am not totally sure. I thought it said Deep Sea salt mix but I could be wrong. I will just go with the Instant Ocean. I am just concerned about using only RO water not RO/DI I need to get a RO/DI unit. :D

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
you can try to lower the lights and see if that helps but 10 hrs doenst seem too long (mine are on round that), and id also get some more snails. I had this problem b/c i was away at school and my snails all got killed by my powerhead (got stuck on the bottom and ended up drowning). But once i bought more snails they've had it under control.
What kind of tank do you have? FO, Reef???
What kind of lights??
Do you already have a cleanup crew???
Is this a new tank? if so you are going to experience a large diatom bloom (brown stuff on glass) at the end of the cycle.
As for the salt, go w/ instant ocean, i use kent salt but instant ocean seems to be what most ppl use. And just test the RO water you are using to see whats in it.


I did not think that I had my lights on to long.
Well right now I have a 55 gal. FOWLR I want to add some corals some day but not in any hury.
I have 2 65 watt Custom Sea Life retro kits smartlight. I now i will need more when I want some corals. I actually have some pollips growing out of some rocks.
My clean up crew is 5 snails, 5 hermit crabs, 1 peppermint shrimp and 1 sand sifting star. I had a few more snails and hermit crabs but lost a couple. I know I need more snails and hermit crabs but my lfs usually does not have to good of a selecion. How many snails do you have? How many should I get for a 55 gal. tank? Also how many hermit crabs do you have? How many do you suggest? I was thinking at least 12 of each.
As far as the tank being new. I set it up in Sept. I cycled it with some damsels for a month. I got them out then I got a fish I did not like and took him back. This happend a couple times because of my lfs and me not finding this board. :D So finally I got 2 percula clowns just about a month ago. They are doing good. Do you still consider my tank new? I did not really get the algae problem to a few months ago.
Thank You for the reply. :D
Thank You

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
yeah your tank is still pretty new, i prob have around 20 hermits, and about 10 snails but im always buying more. If i were you id want to have about 25 hermits and about 15 snails. The snails should keep your glass relatively clean, but everyone has to clean there glass at least once a week.
So, get a larger clean up crew for starts. Id also have that RO water tested to see what you have in it.


Thank You for the reply. I am going to get some more snails. I think my lfs is low on hermit crabs. They always are. I am also going to do a water change. How much water should I change on a 55 gal. I was going to change 10 gal. on my 55 gal. tank. What do you think?
Thank You


That is actually more than 20% if I do 10 gal. on a 55 gal. tank right? That is if my math is correct. :D I was trying to do 10% but thought 10 gal. was good on a 55 gal. tank. :D Maybe more maybe less?


I have a 55 gal. and depending on your filter,bed etc. I do 5 gal. once a week and it seems to work very well-no problems-I only vaccum 1/3 of the tank each week.


If the tank was completely empty except for water then 20% would be 11 gallons, but since you have things in the tank displacing the water, 10 gallons is probably slightly over 20%
LOL, na, myd ad buys everything and i just help him. Its just a hobby that me and my dad work at. He spends money, and i find what to spend the money on LOL
My dad also has a 300 gallon tank, with 2 red tail grouamies(wrong spelling) both 15+ inches, a koi(my grandpa gave to me, he has a 5000 gallon pond.), a 4 inch parrot fish, and a 13 inch red devil.