Salt on glass tops


Active Member

Originally posted by JFDJason
Get rid of the glass tops, they are bad. If you have a problem with jumping things head to your hardware store and get some eggcrate. It's located in the lighting department, usually used under floresents lights in commerical buildings. Here is a small picture of what it looks like.

this could work I think unless you plan on keeping an eel they are escape artist I hate the salt crystals on the top too but I had to go as far at taping any opening on my tank so he couldnt escape


Active Member
Don't forget that your lights put out a lot of heat, and that the glass covers will prevent the heat from escaping. I am dreading all doing constant water additions though.
Anyone know if you just add water for evaporation...or do you add saltwater?


Active Member
I have a glass top on my tank. I sometimes get salt build up but I push it back into the tank as I alway keep my water level at a certain spot so I am topping up anyways. Never had a salt increase problem and my tank is a 10 gal nano.
To clean my glass that faces inside the tank from the build up I use running water and a razor. Works like a charm....:yes:
I find less evaporation with my glass top also and being a nano tank one would loose lots.


This is wrong but I take the glass tops and dip them in the salt water after a good fish feeding. This keeps the fish from eating the salt flakes. I then take the glass tops and clean them with fresh water and paper towel. I then let them dry and rewipe it with paper towel. The glass tops keep the water level up in my tank and also protects the lighting from salt spray. It also protects the lights from falling into the tank (Got to love kids).
What does everyone use to clean the outside of the tank glass?
Windex streaks....


Active Member
I was told never to use windex, only plain old water, and paper towels. they say windex can leach through the glass, how i dont know, but i dont want to take any chances. Todd


Active Member
Windex cannot leach through the glass but what can happen is if you spray the windex onto the glass or onto the paper towel near the tank the excess spray can get into the tank.
I always use windex but I spray the paper towel in the kitchen then go to the tank and wipe the glass only. I never wipe the top of my tank with this paper towel I use plain water for that.
If in doubt just use plain water and a good clean cotton cloth...:yes: