Salt Water Fish in the Desert



Hi there. I have had my 50 gallon aquarium for about five years, orginially fresh water, now salt water. I lived in Flagstaff, AZ (relatively cool climate) until this past year when I moved to Phoenix, AZ (super hot). While in Flagstaff, I never had any problems with my aquarium and had healthy, happy fish. Since I moved to Phoenix I have had nothing but trouble. I am still on the 'starter fish' (damsels) down here because I can't get the water right. I finally got their water in order but now have a new problem. It is starting to get really warm down here and their aquarium is too hot and they are getting sick again. Keeping the house at a cool temperature (78 is considered cool in AZ) during the day involves a very substantial cost and I am never home until eveings anyway. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to keep their temperature at a reasonable level. Last week they were up to about 84 degrees in there, I got desperate and put some ice in there- which obviously was not good for them either. I have been lucky the last two weeks and it has been kind of cool, but I know the heat is coming. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Float the ice in a ziplock bag. It won't melt into the tank that way.
You can get a chiller for the tank. Not cheap, but they work. Not sure what the electricity cost is though. You can build your own using one of those dorm fridges too.
You have a few options....suck it up and pay the a/c bill, get a chiller, stay home all day and float ice, or watch your fish boil...


Another thing, and Im not sure how well it will work, is put extra fans in the hood. Might take the temp down some.
Just a suggestion...
Good Luck


i live in az this will be my first summer with fish but my temp is about 82 degrees which is ok. What do you mean your fish are sick what are they doing?


When the temperatures first jumped a few weeks ago, I had algae start to bloom like crazy. My fish were sitting high in the water, breathing very heavily and trying to stay upright, and were very very pale. Since it has cooled down the last 2 weeks or so, they have all but returned to normal. I assumed that this was the problem. The aquarium store told me not to keep my water any warmer than 78 degrees. Maybe this is a conservative number?


78 i would say is ideal but any thing over 86 is very bad. I leave my ac on 73 degrees and the tank seems ok. do you have a alot of water flow?


I have had my tank set up for 3 years in ARIZONA. I live in Surprise. I do have a chiller but I have never used it for the main tank. I use it in the summer in the garage where my mixing container is for the water. I have 2 fans in the canopy, one fan in the stand. The come on diffrent times of the day. I also have a reg. fan set up in the same room as the tank that rotate's by the tank. So far this is keeping my tank at 79-80 with no problems.
Oh yea, my tank is fowlr 140 gallon.
If you need a good lfs I suggest Auqa Touch. Good Luck
I live in southern lousiana. It is very hot and humid, when the lights are on in the tank, it would jump to 84 in no time. I went out and bought 2 10.00 fans from walmart, the kind that "tip" to the angle you want. I mounted them on the wall at the top of the tank, blowing across the water. The tank never goes above 81. I will warn you that your evaporation rate will be quite high, so have your top off water ready.


I have lived in Phoenix for 8 years now and have a 125 FOWLR,I keep my AC at 73 during the day, my wife does not like it but Oh well!! My temp. during the summer stays at 84 with no affect on the fish.Try the fans across the top and that should help, also limit the light in the room during the day.I also noticed that 2 years ago I moved the tank from the wall facing the south to a wall facing east that helped about 2 degrees.The sun hits like a mother on the north and south walls.So far I have not lost a fish in 7 years, so it is possible without a chiller.Good luck..


The fans in the canopy are from radio shack, the fan in the stand is from my dads work. I don't know where you get that one, but the ones from radio shack would work in stand also. Like Jerrybsal said you will have alot of water evap, but at least mt tank is a happy tank:D