

What brands are people using?
I am strongly considering Tropic Marin when I run out.
Opinions and other suggestions?


Ya, I want to my LFS yesterday, and told me to use that because it'll help my water quaility..But right now I use RED SEA, and have beenh aving bad luck with my water, I could be me or the salt!


I've been using Instant Ocean only because it was convenient to get. The LFS that I was at last night said it's not bad, just not as good as others. Not as many trace elements.



Originally posted by RussianSpy
Ya, I want to my LFS yesterday, and told me to use that because it'll help my water quaility..But right now I use RED SEA, and have beenh aving bad luck with my water, I could be me or the salt!

yopu should definately switch from red sea there salts real bad cuz i herd they leave nitrates or nitrites in the water one oftyhe 2 not sure i forgot sorry so thats probably why your having trouble with your water


Active Member
This could become a heated debate if the right folks chime in. If you do a search on this topic, virtually all of the board moderators use Instant Ocean. It has been specifically developed to mirror real ocean saltwater. If you think you need a lot of trace elements (of which some will argue you don't), then try something else. I will remain with Instant Ocean myself. It always seems consistant and never costs an arm and a leg like some that contain trace elements that have done nothing for my tank.


Instant Ocean is the most expenisive stuff, as a teen I cannot afford, but I heard from the LFS that Tropic Marine was the best choice, I have some faith in that because hes tanks were REALLY NICE!!!!!
Thank You Adamz
I will have to try that...I'll let you know


Every where i go theres only Instant Ocean or something much more expensive so i go with I O
I've never had any problems with Red Sea. It's what the LFS recommends for me and they say that they also use it. I really haven't changed water in over 6 months though, but from what I can remember, nothing was wrong with it.


Ive been using IO for like 6 yrs and never had any probs with it. I use a buffer for my cal and stuff 1 time a week and never had any probs.


It sounds to me like IO and Red Sea are not peoples favorites, Looks like oceanic and Trpoic Marine lead the race, I'm going to try instant ocean, and see what happens


I rarley do water changes, maybe every other week at 10%, I usally just at water to the evap. water thats gone...But when I can I plan to switch up over a period of about 3 months....