

Does anyone know what grade of Sodium Chloride is the salt that we use for our aquariums? The reason I am asking because I need a 55 gallon Drum of it.


Active Member
I have no idea, but probably food grade I'd assume. The salt we buy though is by no means just salt. So if your thinking you can just by a 55 gal drum of sodium chloride and be done. Think again. If your planning on mixing your own, well then thats another story. However I dont believe you are because your asking this question. If you knew how to mix your own, you would surely know what grade to use.


Active Member
Is it that you need salt for some non-aquarium purpose and are thinking of using aquarium salt, or that you need a 55g drum of aquariums salt for aquarium purposes?
Aquarium salt and food grade (I.E. table salt) shares the same main ingredient, sodium chloride, but aquarium salt contains a whole bunch of other stuff such as trace elements, and table salt contains one big ingredient that aquarium salt doesn't.
I doubt it would hurt you to use aquarium salt in food preparation as a one-off, but it wouldn't taste very good. Table salt contains potassium iodide (or something similar) to help prevent thyroid defficiency, so using table salt as aquarium salt is a very bad idea.


I am needing to know where a good place to purchase Aquarium (Marine) grade salt in that quantity. I know that zoos and such buy it in that quantity. I know that the salt that we can buy like instant ocean and such is much differnt that Pure Sodium Chloride. I can get all of the other ingrediants to add to the Sodium Chloride as well as I work for a Labratory and Chemical Supply Company and this is actually for a client I have.


Active Member
I dont believe even aquariums mix their own.
I wouldnt try to mix some up then sell it to a customer either.
In addition to sodium chloride, you'll need calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium, strontonium, and many, many other minor trace elements. All these need to be matched closely to what is in natural seawater. I'm sure that working for a chemical supply company you can obtain all these, but mixing them appropriately could be quite difficult. Additionally, if you can find all these others, why can you find the sodium chloride through your company? Call the salt manufacturers and see about bulk batches from them is my opinion.


Call manufactuer and ask if you can order one? Like Instant Ocean (or whatever your favorite brand might be). Or just give an internet vendor a call and see if they can special order. Kind of obvious choices, but all I got.


I can get the sodium chloride through my company but we have to get it from a manufacture. We are just a distributor for the chemical companies