Dont try to save money on salt. If u are already trying to save money, u might want to think about a new hobby. This hobby will rob u quicker than a woman going shopping.
"rob u quicker than a woman going shopping"
Love that line.
The wife is out shopping now.
She took the kids so I don't mind so much.
I will have to use that line on her some time.
I can already see the look!
Originally posted by alti
its much cheaper for me to buy online. I get it online for 45 including delivery.
Pssst. Hey alti, wanta share the place with me.
I was doing well at 49.99 for the 200gal at a petstore in the town next to mine but they decided not to carry it anymore, at least not for now, they said later this year they might carry more saltwater stuff.
And thanks Alti