

Anyone hear of Crystal Sea Marinemix Bioassay Lab formula salt?Iwas thinking of switching from IO.It seems that the Crystal Sea numbers for elements seems awesome.Anyone use it?What do you think?Thanks for the input:)


Active Member
I've never heard of it. IMO there is a reason IO is the most bought salt mix out there.


Active Member
When I do a search for it, only a handful of sites come up, and most say testing was inconclusive. Here is a quote from one such site to consider:
You should be aware that on some reefkeeping bulletin boards some hobbyists have reported coral bleaching after switching to this salt.
It also says that the product clouds initially.
But here is where it comes from:
This is the manufacturers site, and of course, they portray it very positively.


Gandal,that is the same thing I read.That's when I began wondering about the quality of IO salt.I know like slick said it may be the most used salt,But then again it is available everywhere and we are conditioned to use it because of that.Seems like IO is to salt like Sony is to tv's:)


If it aint broke dont fix it. I use instant ocean. I really like how the site from marine enterprise repeats itself (as if you didnt read it the first time) Im sure that that declorinorer works wonders hum...don't we all let our freshly mixed makeup water circulate for 24 hours removing any clorine or use RO or RO/DI.


Active Member
I use the Marine Enterprises, Crystal Sea salt...used to use the other stuff...not anymore. 150 gallon pail, 38.10 shipped to Windsor, CT.
The stinking pails are even easier to open. Oh, but you wont get a T-short or a "mixing Pump"...and the 150 gallon pail is divided into 3 bags.
Instant Ocean=Instant outta here.