

If yo don't have any luck with finding a Lookdown, shoot me an e-mail.
Although not "common", we catch juveniles from 1" to 3" at the rate of 2-20 per year and currently have a 3" specimen we're raising to move into the 300 when it's large enough.



Originally posted by Conogre
If yo don't have any luck with finding a Lookdown, shoot me an e-mail.
Although not "common", we catch juveniles from 1" to 3" at the rate of 2-20 per year and currently have a 3" specimen we're raising to move into the 300 when it's large enough.

Can I buy that?

tony detroit

Active Member
I have two stores still searching, and Cincyreefer's store is about four hours away. They'll get me one if the two local stores can't come up with any. The one store I found had one that jumped out of it's tub two days before I got there.......I was pissed.



Originally posted by tony detroit
I would never work for those dumbI=ucks. Most have little "real" experience when it comes to running a real jobsite, and only know book smarts. They want you to wear supplied air for oil cleanups in 30mph winds. I hate those a$$es. I had a DEQ guy make me wear safety glasses in a plant that was closed down. There was NOTHING in this plant, just walls.
I work for a private contractor

You mean that I don't need to run for my life, literally! When a passport personal alarm reaches 15ppm CO??? Oh... I about fell to the floor laughing. He even tried grabbing me by the arm and pulling me out with him! Those darn gov't guys... ba$tar*, he even took the only elevator down leaving us... because we didn't follow him!
Than again, after repeatedly explaing how its IMPOSSIBLE to do a certain job while a plants online, and an environmental co. foreman insisting he can. A 8 story furnace goes positive, big ball of fire comes out of a man hole, I jump and pull him next to me behind an I-Beam. Fire retracts... and is obviously going to backdraft out again... I watch an entire environmental crew run away.... not just away from the furnace, not just to the nearest office, oh no... al the way down the main aisle thats about a 1/4 mile long... not stopping there... but keeping on going out of the plant! Those darn environmental guys ;)

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Daniel411
Those darn environmental guys ;)

that was Inland Waters....they get somebody killed every year. If not one person, three or four. They might go two years, but then they'll lose 5 guys at the Rouge in one year. If you averaged it out I'd bet they lose a guy a year.


Good one... don't even say who said the quote... but that was from the movie not me lol..
Yep, I'd be afraid to work with that outfit.