Salties New BC29


OK, I put a longer air hose on the skimmer ventury pump and turned the skimmer around so it faces the other direction. Those two things seem to have greatly reduced the micro bubbles that were excaping into the main portion of the tank. I think the addition of some filter floss and seachem in compartment 3 will reduce it even further.
It has been 3 weeks and everything looks good, I have some polyps that came on the rocks, a hermit and a bunch of what I think are abalone that hitchhiked in. I added a couple of big peppermint shrimp to combat a real bad aptasia problem (They seem to have done the trick). I think I will add some zoes or mushrooms this weekend and see what happens.
All the water perams look good, but I will have it tested by the pros at the local reef store.


Hi, here are a couple of updated pics. The tank is doing very well. I was thinking about starting my live stock this weekend.


nice start man i just got mine started yesterday 28g i think i might add another bag of sand i wanted a nice thick bed of sand myself, one bag is ok i guess but i know its gonna break down some, my sand is full of gunk now that i moved the live rock around after i put the water in.
i ahve a quesiton thoguh i guess its a popular thing to do a fuge or refuge i might consider doing this but i dont know how to set somethign like this up im brand new to this hobby.. and i notice in the rear end of your tank you have some seaweed looking stuff in it, what is that? and whats its purpose?
i figure the fuge works like a filter and must be decent at it if people are doing it, ive even read how people put a crab or somehting in it back there, really?
mayby you can explain to me how the refuge works for the benifit of the tank and any special things it does over the stock filtration it comes with. cant wait to see how you set yours up!


Hi, thanks for posting to my thread… I was beginning to think I was the only one look it at.
Refugiums are cool and can be set up to perform a number of different functions, but don’t let anyone tell you that they are absolutely required. I think the use of the fuge is really up to the hobbyist, based on experience, live stock, filtration, functionality, live stock, and an assortment of other factors.
A fuge is probably not required for the average hobbyist that wants to set up an all in one tank like the BioCube. In most cases the stock filtration will work just fine. Just keep up with weekly water changes and maintaining your filters.
Having said that, I think a fuge is very useful. I use mine to:
1. provide a safe haven for Pods (there is a pod condo in compartment 1 that you can’t see in the photo)
2. Filter nitrate
3. Remove dissolved organic material
You can do a web search and learn more about a fuge then you ever though possible.
The best advice I think anyone can give regardless of whether you have a fuge or not, it take it slow. Learn now to maintain a stable and healthy environment before you add critters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltie
Hi, thanks for posting to my thread… I was beginning to think I was the only one look it at.
Refugiums are cool and can be set up to perform a number of different functions, but don’t let anyone tell you that they are absolutely required. I think the use of the fuge is really up to the hobbyist, based on experience, live stock, filtration, functionality, and an assortment of other factors.
A fuge is probably not required for the average hobbyist that wants to set up an all in one tank like the BioCube. In most cases the stock filtration will work just fine. Just keep up with weekly water changes and maintaining your filters.
Having said that, I think a fuge is very useful. I use mine to:
1. provide a safe haven for Pods (there is a pod condo in compartment 1 that you can’t see in the photo)
2. Filter nitrate
3. Remove dissolved organic material
You can do a web search and learn more about a fuge then you ever though possible.
The best advice I think anyone can give regardless of whether you have a fuge or not, it take it slow. Learn now to maintain a stable and healthy environment before you add critters.
this is great info right here man!

people will sure learn alot

great job buddy!


Hi, I have been busy busy planning my live stock. Here are some photos...
Here is a little hitch hiker I found


looking good !
and i have a ton of those little starfish i siphon them out as much as i can, im over run with them


Here are a couple of pictures.... as you can see I am just starting to add fish and coral...
your comments are very helpful, keep them coming!



Hello again.... Some folks have been asking for photos of what I put in Compartment 1 in my BC29... Here are the photos....



I was not sure if the LEDs would work for growing algae. I have been pleasantly surprised with their performance. I leave the LEDS on 24/7 and the algae looks alive and happy. If you look in the photo above you see I also put some algae in the main tank… the algae there grows much faster, but I would say all in all, the LEDs hold their own.