Saltwater because of Nemo the Movie



Just curious how many of the New members joined because they saw the movie Finding Nemo?
There have been alot of new members lately finally coming on board and asking questions and helping the rest of us out with thier experinences.
We Love when that happens
Or have you just been lurking for a while and finally decided I'm goona take the plunge.


Actually.. I've been really wanting a SW aquarium REALLY REALLY bad.. got a summer job.. saved some money and got a nice 29 gal tank..
Once I saw Finding Nemo.. I couldn't resist and went out within days and got one. :)


I had freshwater tanks about 12 years ago. I had 2, 55 gallons and 2, 29 gallon tanks. I got rid of all of them except for 1, 55 gallon which I converted to SW. I got a lot of bad advice from a lfs. I was able to keep 1 Hawkfish. I was sold an eel which was stung and killed by some kind of anenome-I was told they were compatible. A yellow tang that didn't make it. The anenome died-it was just horrible. I went out and bought a dog. The dog just had to be put to sleep this past Dec. I wanted to get another dog but we found out our youngest son is allergic to them. So I was just searching the net and found this site. Since then I decided to get back into the fish hobby. Now I have a Betta(easy care level)A 55 gallon with 2 pirahna and 1 extra large algae eater,and a 125 gallon SW reef tank. This board is the main reason I jumped back into the hobby. 0 fish lost due to bad advice! A few due to a mantis though!
Tank and stand $400.00
Wet/Dry $175.00
Sand $100.00
Advice from this message board PRICELESS!!


Active Member
Well Finding Nemo sure got my kids interested in the tank!!!! Which is cool, I just hope my clowns don't decide to lay eggs again for a while... ;)


My grandchildren want to see it so we will but haven't seen it yet. I found this board through a friend of mine and I agree that the advice on here is PRICELESS...............:D


Thomas, I havn't seen the movie. I have been doing FW on and off for 30 years. Saltwater hmmmm does the word challenge sound right? I have tossed this idea around for the better part of a year now. So now its time for me to finish gathering parts and start the building process. That's one thing that I do have on my side is time. After 5 heart bypasses I am now on disability and the time to put into this hobby full time at our home. I hope this helps your poll out some.:D


I work in a Petstore that sells Saltwater fish and corals, it has been a chore explaining that you can't just setup a saltwater tank and cram fish into them. People just don't understand the basic principles behind a salt tank and they really don't care. It has been a real challange.


I just joined up recently, and I think Finding Nemo had a kick start for me. I have been raising FW fish for a long time now, and I've always been interested in SW, but was scared I'd really screw up and also didn't have the money. I've got tons of books on my shelf for SW and have been doing light reading for a long time. I think Finding Nemo gave me a big kick to get going. After watching the movie, came back to this board I found a few years back and started really getting into it. I even got my wife into by telling her I'd but her all the characters from the movie, (within reason of course). So the first purchase I buy will be a Nemo for her.
I am glad to be starting up a fish tank again, and hope that I can get mine to eventually look like some of yours. Too bad everyone starting a fish tank can't find this board. Have you guys read online and in the newspaper the surge in SW fish sales and products, and how most of them fail. Too bad that more people don't know it's a little harder than throwing a betta in a glass bowl;)


Active Member
I got my new 20 gallon tank for Christmas last year, and I was thinking about making it a saltwater tank back then. Everyone talked me out of it because of all the trouble we had with fish (all fish other than goldfish) when we lost power for 2 weeks due to the ice storm in December.
I was thinking about about making it a SW tank even after I decorated it with freshwater stuff and after I added my black moors and plecostomus.
Finding Nemo just sent me over the edge and I finally decided to do it. It wasn't becuase of the movie that I wanted a SW tank, but it was enough for me to finally just go ahead and do it after thinking about it for so long. I do love the movie and have seen it many times, though. :D
And now that I have a beautiful FOWLR tank, my mom wants one too so now I am setting up a 35 gallon for her in the livingroom. She's never seen Finding Nemo.
I joined because I had a 55g for 2 1/2 years that crashed a about a month ago due to my own ignorance. It had lots of problems and the advice I would get at the LFS from Day 1 was questionable, to say the least (and the guy there seems a little condescending as well). They were just out for a quick buck (one example was that Kick Ich was touted as the greatest thing to come along in years). I wanted to find a place to get advice from people who don't have an agenda, and found this site a few weeks ago. I lurked for maybe a week before I joined. I've been very happy with all that I have learned since I found this site. Everyone is very helpful, and it's easier to ask questions than what I had come to expect. I would guess that I've spent 50 hours or more this past month reading posts and doing searches for various topics. Big learning curve.
By the way, I will be upgrading from my 55 to a 75 tomorrow. I plan to do it right this time. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this forum. Now I feel like I know what I'm doing, and I'll avoid some of the mistakes I made the first time around.
I saw Nemo, and it did inflluence me to the extent that my daughter is insisting on getting 2 clowns as the first fish we add to the new tank (after the levels are right, of course).


My mother was a groomer, so I pretty much grew up in a lfs. But they didn't sale much salt water stuff and what little they did it was so different back then. I had a few sw tanks growing up. Fish only. And did pretty well. But now things have changed so much and I'm wanting to do reef instead of just fish and it's a big change for me. My lfs store is not any help. I set up about a year ago with fish only and decided to change it to reef. The fish I have had since day one. But my lfs told me I could set up with an ugf and gravel for a fo tank, so I believed them. With luck, they are fine but since I wanted to change to reef I have changed they bottom to dsb. I really don't listen to the lfs any more. They also told me my hood that came with the tank would be enough light for corals and anenimies. Oh, and they didn't even know there was a test for calcium. I can't believe they do so well. But I have to say I don't think this town has many salt tanks except for the hospitals and doctors offices. They have a guy who does them for them but he's never around for me to ask any questions. So I am very greatful to this board. Because I have learned so much in just the last three weeks. Thanks to all of you. Now that I have told you my life story I'll go for now. Thanks again, Jen


All pretty neat, some on the movie and some been thinkin about it for a spell.
I though all those lurkers out there just had a hard time trying to think up a user name, thats why they are still out there, maybe not.
JLM - lots of people started a SW tank with a UGF, I'm one of them, isn't nice to have that sucker out of there?


I joined a while ago; I have been wanting a saltwater tank for who knows how long now. I finally bought a small house and my girlfriend is finally letting me get one, but I have to wait until about November. So I basically come on the site to read the posts and learn new things that are happening. I’m hoping to get something between 65 to 90 Gallon. But it all depends on how much room we have when we move into the new house next month. In the meantime I’m going to keep learning so I can be prepared when the time comes…:)


Active Member
I joined because of Finding Nemo.....wait a minute....why did I join...why are you following me....did you know I can speak whale? Oh yeah I remember, I joined because fish are friends, not food:p


Active Member
Dacia - could be but I'm pretty sure he either said, "swim to back of my throat" or "I want a root beer float"


joined the hobby because I was in ***** once and I always eyeball their fish, and I saw this amazing Lionfish they had in a tank and I thought it was the most incredible thing I'd ever seen.
I don't have a lionfish now, but I do have a saltwater tank with a pufferfish and a yellow tang and a clownfish and some other interesting guys. I know a lot of people hate ***** but they really were what interested me in saltwater, since after I saw the Lionfish i went on-line and started researching and stumbled across this forum.:D