Saltwater books


New Member
I've heard alot of members tell others to invest in books on saltwater. Ive been to MANY book stores looking for a pretty thorough book on SWF, but all the ones I've found are very pre-school. Does anyone recommend any particular book that has helped them out? And don't promote it just cuz you wrote it! :D I know good books don't run cheap,so I want it to be worth the $$$!
Thanx for any suggestions! ;)


I dont think you will ever find one book thats going to tell all...I do suggestthis book for identifying and breif description on habitat,tankmates and if they are tank suitable..lots of pics....scott micheal marine fishes


New Member
the marine fishes book is a must. it should run around 30 bucks and tells all about the fish available in the hobby. good when planning a tank out.