Saltwater Catfish...?


I just bought 2 saltwater catfish (they are still in the bag) and when i bought them and i was walking out the door, the guy said "oh, by the way, those things are piosonis" ...?!?!?!?
so im guessing that these things can maybe give me a rash if i tough em....or are they some deadly top secret fish deployed by the US Government? (j/k)
Also are they harmful for my tank? I have a torch coral , sebea and bubble anemone, maroon clown, some hifin cards, come gold headed golbys, chromi's and some snails, crabs etc in a 55 gal tank with about 80lbs of LR.
[ May 21, 2001: Message edited by: Beaker ]


Well, ive done some research and from just word of mouth ive found out that the feelers on the fish do sting and its only compairable to a bee sting and they are harmless to my tank...
heres a picture of the guy if this helps any...


I inquired about these little guys at a lfs.At the time I had a clown,a Betta,and a tang.He told me that they would do fine in that tank.He suggested I buy them in groups or by pair because they are schooling fish.He also asked if I'd ever been stung by a catfish that you catch out of a river.I said yes and he said they sting the same way.HTH


Active Member
there feelers dont sting, its there barbs on thier fins. they have a mucus/slime covering on the fins i believe that can become an infections sting. if you do get stung put the stung area on as hot water as possible. this will relieve the pain and take out some venom. not sure what they will do to your inverts, but saltwater cats get over 12" HTH, bo