saltwater evaporation???


:confused: Hi-
I 'am thinking of buying a saltwater tank but keep hearing that the saltwater evaporating will ruin my house. Is this true? Will there be salt all over my house?


Active Member
Not true. The evaportation is negligible. Keeping the top covered can reduce a small amount of salt residue called "salt creep." This happens in most any SW system but is niot a major problem. while salt is corrosive to certain surfaces, any residue wipes clean with a damp cloth.


Active Member
Any residue comes from water splashing or other agitation, including air bubbles. When the water evaportes, the salt stays put. It will accumulate on glass tops, or other surfaces not immersed in water. It usually isn't a problem, but it can be unsightly so keeping up on it with routine cleaning can help.


Active Member
The most damage I have expereineced has been a little peeling paint from sheet rock from a tank I placed to close to the wall. it was very minor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by F1shMan
yup defintly unsightly lol, but my salinty is good, so its all good lol
I would be more worried about gas exchange and blocking the light... I would remove them.


Active Member
Remove what reefnut? The tank that it evaporates in isnt a reef tank, so the light isnt a big deal. And every once and a while I clean the salt off the top. And if only the water evaporates.. then what is the white crystally stuff on my glass top?


Active Member
The water evaporates and the "salt creep" remains. You can just push the salt creep back in the tank if you want. If you build up too much creep, you may cause hyposalinity in the tank.


Active Member
no I check the salinty and its good. ya sometimes when I push it in, depending on what time of the day it is, my trigger fish trys to eat it!! lol wonder how that must taste..