Saltwater Newbie


New to saltwater hobby. Im 16 years old and know little about saltwater. I have heard of the nitrogen cycle, but know little about it. My dad and I currently hve just bought a 360 gallon and in good condition. All the crushed coral in it is used and thoroughly washed, and a refegium with used sand. There is around 180 pounds of live rock. There is also, 200+ pounds of lace rock in there as well. Will any of the used substrate and sand do something to the cylce? The tank has been running for around a week now and refigium getting hooked up a day after I type this message. The Ammonia, I think has already spiked and came down; however, the nitrite has not done nothing but stay at 0. When can we add a clean up crew for the tank? Manly snails and hermit crabs at first, but some shrimp after like the fire and cleaner shrimp. Any info would be helpful.


If you can switch from crushed coral to live sand I would definitely do it. I had crushed coral with my first tank and it caught a lot of food in the substrate, keeping my nitrates high. Just read, read, and read some more. Do a lot of research, buy some books. Read the boards a lot, and start off slow and be as patient as possible. Don't add fish to soon, don't add to many fish at one time. My cycle took about 6 weeks, keep testing and doing water changes when necessary. Good luck


I would like to reiterate that post about possibly switching to a deep sand bed instead of crushed coral. Overall I find tanks with the sand don't have jumps or spikes down the road in levels. Crushed coral tends to trap detritus in pockets and then spike. The diversity of creatures that end up growing in the sand bed and actually turning it is amazing! I know you will find many opinions so read read read! Ask when you can, but remember - not all advice is correct.
Welcome to the boards!
I can tell ya - if people here like acrylic51, bangguy, thomas712, ophilia, or murph tell ya something - it's been GODSPEL for me at least. Good luck and go slowly!


Thanks guys for the info. We will probably not change over to sand but will probably clean the crushed coral as much as possible.


If you dont change to sand you're gonna have problems down the road and do it then instead of now when it would not be that big of a deal.
These guys on here are telling you from experience. Change it while its easy.


The guy that we bought the tank from came with this crushed coral and he didnt have any problems with. He had healthy fish and corals and he vaccumed the crushed coral once a year. How much do you think this will cost if the tank is 96 inches long and 30 inches wide